Doppler!! I have heard my babys heartbeat!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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i bought an angelsounds doppler off ebay which arrived on saturday,i was bored last night so decided to have a go with it!
i cannot believe i heard babys heartbeat straight away!! :cheer:
i counted 162 beats per minute!! :cheer:
it was so so great and made me feel all warm inside!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
i was really surprised i could hear something so early (im 10 weeks today) but have got a great comfort from it!! :D
Wow that's great

I have had one for a couple of weeks but havent thought about using it as it says on the box to use from 12 weeks onwards.
I'm 10 weeks tomorrow, so might have a try tonight!
xx :cheer: :cheer:
hi F.T.M, :wave:
it was the first time i had tried it last night and never expected to hear anything at all,so was over the moon when i could!
we are only 1 day apart in our pregnancys!! :wave:
which doppler did you get?
let me know if you can hear your bump!! :hug:
How far gone are you ? this is amazing !!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I cant wait to hear my lo!! so jealous
AWWW im soo happy for you! its a great feeling isnt it! wow you did well finding it so early. You'll get addicted now, certainly helps to feel more relaxed though, whenever you dont feel right you can just pop your doppler on.

Just nipping on quickly will pm you tomorrow :)

I wonder what you'll be doing tonight then lol, you can connect it up to speakers as well, :D
Thats fab news :cheer: , its lovely to first hear the little heartbeat isn't it.

I still use mine now and then if LO hasn't wriggled in a while.

IMO the Angelsounds Doppler is one of the best purchases i've made, god knows how much of a paranoid wreck i'd have been without it :oops:

OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!
I decided to get out my dopler last night (although husband wasnt too happy as he said I'd be in a state if I didnt find anything, so had to promise him I wouldnt be, I'd be cool!)

ANyway, after about 20 mins of slowly moving it around my tummy and guessing as to whereabouts it should be - I HEARD IT !!!!!! although it was very very faint, I still heard movement and then the hearbeat (although mostly movement!)

It was absolutely fantastic, cant wait to have another go tonight!!!!!

I have the ANgelsounds one also

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Im going to look into getting one for when I can use it!!! wanna connect to the baby as soon as I can and for OH to as well!!!

so would everyone say the angel sounds one is the best to buy and how much are they??? xx
hi F.T.M its amazing isn't it!
very reassuring too!

lesley i got mine from ebay,search on angelsounds doppler,there are two main sellers,one charges about £31.00 for the doppler and a bootle of gel and about 3.00 P&P
the other sells the doppler plus P&P for 31.00,i got this one as never realised that the dearer one had the gel with it!
i bought a bottle of gel,this was about 4.00!
hope this helps!!!
well im off to hear babys heartbeat again now!!
thats my new bedtime activity!! :rotfl:
keelie_b said:
AWWW im soo happy for you! its a great feeling isnt it! wow you did well finding it so early. You'll get addicted now, certainly helps to feel more relaxed though, whenever you dont feel right you can just pop your doppler on.

Just nipping on quickly will pm you tomorrow :)

I wonder what you'll be doing tonight then lol, you can connect it up to speakers as well, :D

hi keelie!
lol! im sure i will become addicted!!
thanks for the PM,i will reply tomorrow,i'm off to bed now i'm so so tired today!
(its mine and OH'S 9th annivrsary today!!)
........we're looking forward to the scan tomorrow but i feel abit apprehensive about it aswell as excited!
take care and hope you are okay and baby x x x x x x

after your success I had a go myself last night and I think I heard the heartbeat too! We had a weekend away and came back to a letter sent on Monday saying that my scan was today. After pacing around a bit and worrying I decided to see if I could hear that everything was alright and I'm pretty sure I did as it was faster than my heartbeat and in a very specific place just by my pelvis, exactly where she found baby today! Didn't stop me not sleeping last night mind you but that's paranoia for you...

Good luck for tomorrow- I'll be thinking of you :hug:

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