Don't think I'll make it to my section date!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2012
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I'm currently 33 weeks and booked in for a section at 39. However I'm measuring three weeks ahead and have done since I started being measured.

I had my first baby at 41 weeks. I was induced but was actually in the very early stages of labour when I was induced. He was big, but I always measured correct for my dates with him. My thoughts are that if I started going on my own when he was 41 weeks, I might start going on my own by 38 weeks based on this one's size!
I've been having what I can only describe as period like symptoms of late, not cramps as such cos they're not painful. It's more a kind of rush of blood feeling I would get just before my AF or if I suddenly needed to go to the loo! I've also had a lot of pressure around there feeling like I need to go but nothing comes (poo this is! Sorry for TMI!).

I don't remember any of this with my first and I'm terrified I'll end up in labour naturally early having to rushed in for another emergency section!
Baby size, from what I know, bears no correlation to when the baby comes. My first was 10lb 1oz and she was 8 days late!

I'm not quite 30 weeks yet and baby has moved head down, for the last three days my pelvic pain has been really bad, i can feel more pressure down there and I can hardly hold anything in my bladder now, it feels squashed! I doubt it means that this baby will come already though, even though I'm at risk of pre-term labour I think it's very unlikely.

There are no guarantees either way, nobody can predict when baby will arrive, just try not to worry about it x
^wss. My so was 10lbs and 10 days late. I always measured ahead with him. I've started feeling pressure and having period pains. I'm just guessing it's my body getting ready but under no illusion this baby will be anymore on time then my first!
It depends why your bump is big. Mine was measuring several cms ahead due to GD and polyhydramnios and so I could have gone into early labour - my consultant told me I had a 20% chance of going into natural labour prior to my section at 37 weeks!
It depends why your bump is big. Mine was measuring several cms ahead due to GD and polyhydramnios and so I could have gone into early labour - my consultant told me I had a 20% chance of going into natural labour prior to my section at 37 weeks!

It's all bubba. I've been scanned twice for excess fluid and told both times it's was fine. I've also had two GTT, which have been in the higher end of the normal range, but both normal never the less. I've been told it's likely I just have big babies.

I'm well aware a big baby doesn't equal early labour as my son was 9lbs 1 Oz and I was a week overdue with him. My thoughts are that if my body was naturally ready to have him at 9lbs, I'll reach that point sooner this time. I'm just scared of feeling so big already this time around, dread to think what its will be like in five weeks time!
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I guess they'll keep an eye on growth x
I always get booked in for 39 weeks, last time was 38 something and then I sat up in bed on a sun morning and gush - blood everywhere! Went in to be monitored and they sectioned me 9 pm that night at 36 weeks, it was counted as emergency but aftet a days monitoring It was pretty elective tbh other than the 30 mins nottice to get hubby there

Funny tho you talking about baby size relative to due date. Baby 4 born at 39 plus 1 booked in date was 6 lb 6 oz at birth
Baby 5 born at 36 weeks was 6 lb 6 oz too !! So think he was fully cooked and would have been much bigger than my norm at term! So if yours is bigger for your norm you might pop early
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They told me I didn't have excess fluid at scans. When baby was bborn he surfed out absolutely soaking the doctor and two midwives that end of me. Said they'd never seen that much water before (that was after they'd broken my waters too)

Try not to worry.
They told me I didn't have excess fluid at scans. When baby was bborn he surfed out absolutely soaking the doctor and two midwives that end of me. Said they'd never seen that much water before (that was after they'd broken my waters too)

Try not to worry.

Funnily enough with my son the MW commented on how I'd soaked the floor. But then he was big too!

I'm trying not to worry too much at the moment, once I finish work this week I think things will get easier. I hope anyway!!

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