Don't read if easily scared lol. Lacey Ann Brown... welcome to the world!!! With pics

well done, sounds like u did brilliant! shes gorgeous. x
Congratulations, shes totally gorgeous. Btw i screamed my head off during both my labours :D xxx
Congratulations hun! She's beautiful!

Can you send my lazy baby boy some positive vibes please! :) x
Thanks girls, you all make me feel so much better :) thank you!
Glad to know others screamed lol. She was 6.1 and a half lbs. Smaller than i thought she would be, sending you lots of labour vibes claire hope things get going for you soon and all the other girls who are due or nearly due!
Oh and she looks bigger on the pics but shes tiny... her tiny baby vest is too big for her lol. Going to have to buy a couple of prem things. xxx
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Many congratulations, she's beautiful well done!! Xx
Aww, congratulations! You done really well - now the real hard work begins! xxxx
You did brilliant shauna!!!

I was also told from mw I had low pain thing, lol silly bit h hadn't even had a kid so she didn't av a clue!!!!

U did brill babe u should be so proud, n it's totally normal to feel silly!/ funny afterwards as it's all your hormones comin bk down it usually only last few days n u willbe on to of world x x
Awww hun well done you, she's gorgeous!
I really think you shouldn't be embarrassed.. they have most likely seen a lot worse!
Some women scream all the way through their labour.

Hope you feel better soon. There's really no need to be embarrassed though. It's what every woman has to go through to bring another life into this world.

You made me giggle about the needing a shit part :rotfl: xxx
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Congratulations Shauna, and seriously well done - I couldn't have done it without my epidural, no wonder you screamed! Cheeky bitch midwife making comments about what you should and shouldn't be eating, how out of order! Enjoy your little girl - she's beautiful, at least you don't need to worry about the birth any more x
Can't believe I missed this!!! Well done babes she's beautiful. Congratulations xx
Congratulations Shauna - you did so well hun! The midwife sounds awful which is such a shame for you, you were so anxious about the birth and a gentle and kind midwife can make all the difference - I was lucky, I had 2 and they were both lovely. And don't worry about the screaming - you did what you had to do to get through it - you're not the first person to scream in labour and you won't be the last! xxx
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Congratulations hunni... She is gorgeous :).

Amy xx
Well done Shauna!!! You did it & she is beautiful. Some midwifes should not be allowed to be midwifes!!! She sounds awful. But sod her, you have your beautiful baby girl (I was team yellow & guessed I'd have a girl & was right too).
My entire foof is stitched together & I am soooo sore, but she was so worth it!
Congrats again my lovely x

Sunnyb xxx
thanks girls, been feeling ok today until tonight after i started talking about it all again now i feel weepy :( So happy with my little girl though and my OH is being AMAZING! I can't big him up enough for what he is doing... before now he has never held a baby properly or even changed a bum! He held his sisters baby for like 10 seconds lol. He has really shocked me i couldn't do it without him!
Sunnyb you poor thing with the stitches they hurt eh
I got stitched! I got told they are meant to numb your bits before stitching? she never with me, bloody hurt... if they are meant to numb you i bet she done it on purpose the bitch. I am writing a complaint about her. xxx
Hi Shauna, had to pop in... I enjoyed reading your story, at least I know its going to hurt.. arrghh.. congratulations to you and the baby... xx
Aww shauna congrats hun, she is a wee cutey! You did really well too, shame about the midwife but, deffo write a complaint. Its such a tuff thing to go through as it is, and to have someone like that making those comments wouldn't help, what a boot!

That's great about your OH too helping out and stuff :) Hope you and baba are well hun xxx

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