Don't know how to help my oh :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Since my bfp his stress levels have gone through the roof. His mum died 14 years ago and the one friend he had who he could really open up to died last year. I know he feels so very alone with everything going through his head, work is really stressful for him too and he is trying so hard not to upset me or cause me any stress.
He said earlier that he is dreading my 12 week scan on Thursday, he's convinced himself we are going to get bad news (I had a scan at 9 weeks and everything was perfect). 10 years we have waited for this baby and he will make such a wonderful dad it's untrue.
I really don't know how to get him to relax, I've tried talking to him but he just cuddles me and says everything will be ok.
I know there's a blokes bit on here but he won't use it :( am thinking of asking another friend of his to have a word and see if it helps but don't want him to think I am going behind his back.
Any suggestions would be great xxxxxxxxxxxxx
He sounds like he's had a really hard time lately. Prob best thing you can do is always try to be positive and upbeat about baby and your pregnancy, this can be infectious but make sure he knows he can still talk to you, pregnancy doesn't suddenly mean we can't be an emotional support to our friends and family, men sometimes get scared of worrying us, esp as tears flow easily when we're pregnant even when we are ok and can handle it. Maybe try and do some nice things together to relax, weekend away, nice country walk, meal out, whatever you both like to do together to enjoy each others company and bring his stress levels down.
We are away on holiday on saturday so that will definitely help...I'll just have to drag him past Thursday lol. I don't feel like anything is wrong, everything's gone so smoothly that's also been a surprise lol.
I will take your good advice and make sure we do lots of lovely stuff on holiday, thank you :) xxxxxxxxxxx
Just being there for him is realy all you can do Hun, Iv lost my Dad and Brother and it does effect people different, Im a awful worrier and alwyas think the worst of situation and my OH just doesnt understand why im like that but untill you have suffered so much loss its hard to explaing but it just feels to me like the worst can and does happen so im constantly terrafied waiting on the next tradgedy if that makes sense, Hope seeing the scan and all bein ok perks him up a bit X
Awh he's had a tough time, hopefully some reassurance from you as ur probably his main person in life will eventually make him feel better slowly! xx

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