Pregnancy Signs - Who has what?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2011
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Hi all,

I just want to put my mind at rest really as I have not been getting too many signs of early pregnancy.

Apart from no AF and 4 BFP tests I only have bloating, wind, chronic tiredness but not much else. I have felt sick a couple of times at night but nothing really to get bothered about. Just worried that something is wrong as I don't have sore boobs and although they seem a bit bigger the don't hurt at all.

Almost tempted to do another test as just feel like a fraud!!

Anyone else not had many symptoms or sore boobs as I thought they were something that everyone got?


my boobs only started to get sore about a week and a bit ago...

my only symptoms are tiredness and bloating and moody!!

but i dont have any sickness either.....

I'm the same. Last week I had all the normal symptoms of pregnancy - I felt nauseous, bloated, peeing constantly, etc and generally just knew I was pregnany and this was all before I had even done a test. I did a test on Thursday evening and it was positive and indicated I was around 4 - 5 weeks which was right. I did another test first thing on Friday morning which indicated 5 weeks which again would be right and probably changed from the previous night due to the fact I'd used the first urine of the day. I had some twinges in my belly on Friday night and since then some slight nauseous and still peeing alot more than normal but not much more than that. I went to my first gp appt on Monday night and the gp didn't even do another pregnancy test to confirm like I thought she would. I've got first midwife appt tomorrow morning and I'm hoping that something will happen there which will confirm that I'm pregnant. Its hard because my husband is sooooo excited and wants to tell everyone but I don't want to tell anyone apart from our parents as I'm afraid that I'm not really pregnant.
All I've had so far really is major bloatedness, wind (tmi!) a few pulling/stretching pains and sense of smell is hightened. Boobs have been a little bit tender but not much x x x
I had sore boobs and tiredness in the first couple of weeks which went away last Sat. Have been worried and went to the dr. Said that symptoms can come and go and when I posted on these boards a lot of feedback that everyones symptoms are generally really different I was dying for symptoms.
Almost a week on and my boobs are sore again and today I have felt pretty nauseus since lunch. I really do think everyone is different so dont worry!
I have bloatedness, although has gone down a bit now (I think cause my period would have passed by now), mild cramps, peeing all the time and that's all. I knew 4 days before my period was due that I was pregnant, just felt it. Not felt sick or had sore boobs.

GP was a waste of time and I won't get to see a midwife until I'm 12 weeks because I'm moving to australia...defo having an early scan before I go so I can tell my family xxx

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