Don't feel pregnant anymore : (

Yeah hugely relieved, thanks everyone. Will post the scan on my journal x
That's fantastic news. You will be on cloud 9 all day today.
Look forward to seeing the photo
Brilliant news :-) was going to all my symptoms disappeared last Sunday but sickness hit with a vengeance today.

So happy for you x

I'm around 5-6 weeks pregnant... on last Saturday I started to leave a little bit of brownish discharge on the paper after peeing so on Monday I went to the doctor. She tested if I'm pregnant (positive), checked my belly and finally said that this discharge is quite normal during this time of pregnancy and because it wasn't painful at all I went home. After around one hour I was back at the doctor's office cause I started to have little bloody spots on the paper (also only after peeing). The doctor checked my cervix which was closed and scheduled an ultrasound appointment for me (it will be this Sunday). Until Tuesday morning I just used one panty liner per day and really needed to change it due to hygienic reasons and not because of the spotting. On Tuesday I put a pad cause I had one bigger spotting and got the feeling in my belly like I was going to have my period, so I did it just in case. All the bloody spotting was much lighter than any day of my usual period and on Wednesday morning I started to have brownish discharge again which stopped at the evening.
Of course I'm going on Sunday to have my ultrasound and check if everything is okey with the baby or my body if what I really experienced was a miscarriage.
I started to convince myself that I lost the baby cause I do not feel pregnant at all - I felt pregnant before Saturday. Could I really have miscarried? All my friends who miscarried around the same time or a few weeks later said that I would really feel pain and bleed a lot.

I will just add that I have Hashimoto and my last TSH was 0.07 (the end of December) so my doctor adjusted the dosage of my pills, but I do not really know what level of TSH I have now. The doctor who saw me when I started spotting said that I shouldn't worry about my TSH level.

Thanks for any opinion
Hi Molly, I hope your scan goes well on Sunday, lots of women have spotting and all is still ok, in a very low% of cases brown spotting and no pain can be a sign of a missed miscarriage so having the reassurance scan is a good idea.
Your GP is wrong about the importance of your TSH levels. I also have a treated underactive thyroid and since having my first MMC I am under the care of an Endocrinologist who specializes in the Thyroid. It is important to have your TSH and your Free T4 tested whilst pregnant even when taking Eltroxin as the pregnancy hormone hcg can give you a false low TSH result. Free T4 actual shows how much Eltroxin you have in your blood and therefore how much is passed to the baby. Did your GP test you for thyroid antibodies? Having an underactive thyroid in pregnancy is fully manageable so don't worry, however it is important that you are monitored from the very beginning of pregnancy as it can cause issues. If your TSH & Free T4 were stable before getting pregnant normally your Eltroxin dosage is increased slightly in the first trimester.
Also if you have had your underactive thyroid for a while they should check your B12 levels. Hope this helps xx
Every person feels this at some point - dintveidry, I'm sure it's fine
Hi Clementine :]

What you wrote is what I feel should be done, my 1st cousins who also have Hashimoto both miscarried their first pregnancies and seconds were really 'heavy' on them (they lost 10 and 12 kg during fist 6months, but babies are healthy and running around now :D of course they were checked monthly by their endo ) I mentioned this to the doctor who checked me on Monday regarding my spotting but she said that it is not really important right now - I was bit confused about it, cause in my family all we really recently talk about is TSH and pregnancies... one of my cousins just had a baby on the 23.12.2015 :]

I was diagnosed in August with high antibodies and TSH 4,65 my endo checked my thyroid (scan) everything is okey and prescribed me pills. In December I was supposed to see her but she took some days off and of course that was when I was back in town so I just missed her. I did test my TSH level and went to another endo cause my period was late - he said that because my TSH was 0,07 due to too high dosage of my pills that I should get it back during the next few weeks while I stop taking my medication, he prescribed me a smaller dosage and said that on the 5th of January I should start taking them again, if my period is not back to go and check if I'm not pregnant. This is when I got my pregnancy tests positive :]

Until now I dealt with all my medical issues in my country (we are back there at least 5 times per year) but since I found out I'm pregnant I went and signed to the clinic here in the UK but they said that it will take up to 10days until I'm in their system and could schedule any appointment with a GP. When spotting started I went to the 'walk-in-centre'. Next Tuesday 10 days will pass and hopefully the same week I will get to see a GP who will take care of me.

My sister in law who is 8weeks pregnant took a pregnancy test today and got a negative result - she just did it to take some photos with a positive stick but instead it got a negative result... she rushed to the clinic to see if they can schedule her an appointment with her GP this week - any advice regarding her matter? Could she also have miscarried and not know about it?

Some crazy days we have right now... I just feel so confused and lost in all of it...
Molly I think around the 7-10 week mark the pregnancy hormone is very high & so sometimes can lead to a negative test result. I've read something about diluting your urine down then retesting.
Early miscarriage
Hi there. I'm writing this because I don't know what else to do, I feel lost and helpless
Me and my boyfriend have been travelling south east Asia for 9 weeks and a few weeks ago I missed my period so I took a few tests and found out we were pregnant- it was unexpected but we couldn't help get excited and with it being both our first experience of a pregnancy we couldn't help but begin to talk and plan about our new life and future. We worked out I would be around 6 and a half weeks pregnant. The day before we were due to come home we were shopping and when we got back to the hotel I had bad cramps- worse than the ones I had been having throughout the pregnancy. I knew instantly something wasn't right.. When I went to the toilet there was brown blood in my underwear then when I wiped there was a faint smear of pink blood on the tissue- I instantly cried because I was so worried.. Even though I was only 6 weeks gone I felt my world come crashing down.. My partner tried to reassure me when he googled that spotting can be normal in early pregnancy but I just had a feeling it was a miscarriage.
I woke up this morning (the day after it happened) and I am still bleeding bright red blood with some clots. I have bad pains but I can't go to a doctor because we are due to get on a 15 hour flight back to London in a few hours. I feel devastated and so alone.. You need your family, friends and your bed in times like this but now I have to get on an aeroplane and act as if everything is okay. And I can't even take pain killers because I don't even know if this definitely is a miscarriage and don't want to harm the baby if it's not? I'm in need of advice.. I can't miss my flight I just need to get home- will the pains get worse? Has anyone else experienced a 6 week miscarriage?
Sorry you're going through this. You can take paracetamol safely in pregnancy so take that every 4 hours and maybe the flight crew would have a hot pack you could use on your tummy to help ease the pain, or maybe buy one at the airport?
The pain is different for everyone, for me it was just like bad period pain and just wanted a hot water bottle and bed.
Take it easy and see your GP as soon as you can xx
Mine wasn't that bad pain wise this time. I was 7/8weeks but I had an empty sac. I was prescribed codeine which I think you can still take during pregnancy. I have to admit I also took ibrupofen and paracetamol (I knew there was no hope for a healthy baby though) so maybe that's why the pain wasn't so bad. I used a hot water bottle too. I had 2/3 days of pains all little bit worse than period but they came and went and then end of day 3 I had about 1hr of heavier pains (more like mild contractions) but def manageable (but like I said I had dosed myself up)

Sorry your going through this, I hope your ok ..,

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