Don't feel pregnant anymore : (


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
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Hi everyone,

This week I've been under a lot of stress and anxiety due to the fact there's a possibility that I may lose my job.

I've also just stopped feeling pregnant. My boobs don't hurt anymore, even if I squeeze them there's no soreness or tenderness. My nausea and bad taste in mouth has gone. I just have this gut instinct that the worse has happened.

I've got a reassurance scan tomorrow anyway. Could my stress have caused a mc? X
Aww, I hope it hasn't, sometimes symptoms can come and go. With my little boy I had no symptoms at all which never helped, fingers crossed and I hope your scan goes well x
Try not to worry FP, I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine. My symptoms totally disappeared at one point but then came back with a vengeance. Good luck for tomorrow xx
Wishing you the best of luck today.
Try to relax. My symptoms have also gone, my boobs don't hurt, I am going the toilet less then a few weeks back and I am not as tired as I was. I have not even felt nauseus once.

I will keep checking back to see how your scan went.
I have my fingers crossed for you x
Try not to worry hun (easier said than done) I know.

I was super ill and stressed at 6w, started bleeding at 7w and because I feared the worst and was super stressed everything stopped. The thrice daily sickness episodes stopped, everything stopped. I went for my scan, saw baby and came home and immediately it all kicked off again, and I didnt feel "not pregnant" until I gave birth :lol:

Also, your symptoms don't disappear until after bub has passed with a MC usually. I was 5-6 weeks along when I passed bub and everything didnt stop for a few days after. And I highly doubt you will have MC without any pain or bleeding... Suppose there is a slim chance, but I really don't think so hunni.

Placebo and stress really gets on in our head. But roll on tomorrow! You get to see your adorable little blob.

Youll be ok. :hugs:

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Hope everything is ok? Fingers crossed and best of luck for your wee scan tomorrow. x
Thanks ladies, my mum's come round to cheer me up and try to take my mind off things! She said the same happened for a while when she was pregnant with my brother and obvs he was fine.

I think I'll be able to relax after scan tomo. Grrr at stupid work stressing me out! X
Good luck for your scan!

I have heard many ladies loosing their symptoms early on and everything was perfectly normal. Surely you would have had some bleeding as well if there was an issue. I don't think its very normal stress that causes mc but of course sorry about your job !x
I haven't had any bleeding, nothing. I think I'm just being paranoid because I'm under a lot of pressure at the mo! I've had a good chat with my Mum and everything is going to be ok. DH has a good job we will just have to make some adjustments to our spending etc x
I hope all is ok at the scan tomorrow, which I'm sure it will be. Try and get resting to calm your stress level xx
Pregnancy is such an anxious time. I think everyone has worries, no matter what their past experiences are.

Good luck at tomorrow's scan.
I felt like this fairyprincess, wished for my symptoms to come back....oh and they did! Sickness galore! Your little bub will be fine.xx
Everything will be fine. Maybe you feel like this because of the stress with your job, but I don't think it could cause a mc. Try not to worry and enjoy your scan tomorrow!
My symptoms are fluctuating. If I feel ok for a bit I start to think oh my God somethings wrong :shock: but then usually they return with a vengeance and I'm sitting on the sofa feeling so nauseous as I need to eat, too tired to walk the few feet to the kitchen and cupping my aching boobs!

Although stress isn't good for you, there's no evidence to support that it can cause a mc so don't stress yourself out further worrying that you've caused a problem.

I'm sure your bubba is fine hun.

Enjoy your scan!

I had a lot of symptoms and they suddenly stopped one day and I was sure I lost the baby, but I went on boards and about 75% of the women who experienced the same when on to have healthy babies and sure enough, about a week later, the symptoms came back! Heartbeat is still thumping along, as well. So, it is more than likely fine. :)
Hope all is ok fp. The little symptoms I had have now stopped and I'm 9+4. It's so worrying isn't it. Hope today goes ok xx
I am thinking of you today having your scan.
Let us know how you get on X
Phew! Went for scan, bubs is growing, good sac and a tiny fluttering heartbeat! X
All the best with your scan today fairyprincess, I'll be thinking of you.
Hopefully your worrying over nothing x
Oh that's brill!! Sorry didn't see post before I sent mine!
Bet your massively relieved!

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