Doing this alone?


Aug 11, 2015
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Hi, first time pregnant and long term partner has not taken news too well.

I have brill family and friends but work with my partner which is going to make things very awkward.

Can I do this alone? I'm eight weeks and scared
What did he say? Have u been together a long time do you live together etc? Sorry to hear about this. It does take 2 to make a baby though so he needs to be taking some responsibility! Xx
Thank you

He said he's not ready and we should try in a couple of years but life doesn't doesn't work like that! We've been together for a few years and in our early 30's.

Luckily don't live together, just work. I don't want to force him in to anything but can't afford to leave my job
Of course you can do it alone. You are so right, life just doesn't go the way he wants. He helped create a life and should be a man about it. I'm doing it alone and I'm actually glad the father showed his true colours very early on xx
I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you're doing well!

It just feels like a mess! I know a few people who can't have children so for him to suggest it's a simple problem amazes me.
I think its time to be a little selfish and look after number 1 .... My OH isn't the happiest and its a very messy situation , but like everyone keeps telling me , it took 2 to make it ..

You will be fine doing it alone , and you will get lots of support in here.

Have you any family to share the experience with?

With my youngest i told the father and he broke up with me instantly.
We also worked together but our boss switched him to night shifts so we never saw each other.

I'm not going to lie being pregnant and alone was hard work even more so since i already had two children from a prevoius relationship, but it was worth it. My son is amazing and i can take all the credit for myself as i had no help raising him.
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Hey hun, I brought up 2 boys on my own after very bad time with their dad I have a 19 year old just left collage has full time job now, have a 15 year old in grammar school doing 12 GCSE next June and just signed contract for semi- pro footballer, soz I'm just proud I done this on my own, you can do it!!!! I found true love 3 years ago I'm still ttc, been off here for a year just want you to know u can do it if need be on your own, good luck ��
It's really encouraging to know so many people have done it and done it so well.

i have booked an early scan for tomorrow just so I can have an incentive to know the crap is worth getting through.

With good supportive family and friends, you're not raising this baby alone. I'd say it would be harder to raise a baby with an uninterested partner than to raise one with no partner at all. You'll be just fine, sweetie! Stick around here too, we'll look after you! ;)
With good supportive family and friends, you're not raising this baby alone. I'd say it would be harder to raise a baby with an uninterested partner than to raise one with no partner at all. You'll be just fine, sweetie! Stick around here too, we'll look after you! ;)

Can't say how important that is.... If you're doing it with someone who is half interested/no interest, it will make it a 100 x worse because as well as adjusting to being a mummy which is an overwhelming thing on its own, you'd have to deal with a messy relationship and put energy into that and I promise you that will be exhausting!!
It sounds like you're best off out of it and concentrate on yourself and your little bean.
He may come around eventually once he's got used to the idea but if he doesn't it's his loss. Look after number 1, no one else will so stand tall and proud :)

Plus you have us to rant to if all else fails ;)

PP xXx
I am a mum of 3 .. and I got my bfp a few days ago! I am also doing it alone this time. My ex OH doesnt know yet .. but i fell pregnant before we split as hes very childish unfortunately. You can definitely do it on your own its hard dont get me wrong but so worth it xx
Thank you all! I regret telling him. I'm not ready for this but I'm sure as hell going to give it my best shot

You mustn't regret telling him, that was definitely the right thing to do. Even if he's a shit about it, he still has a right to know. And you have the right to have money off him too, so definitely don't forget that! ;)

As I said before, please stick around on the forum. There are so many ladies here from so many different circumstances and backgrounds that what ever worry or problem you have, there will always be someone here who can help you :) xx

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