My Mummy


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hey everyone hope your all well sorry but i have to have a little rant.

yesterday i went to meet my mum n walk her home from work, just because well we never really spend time together thought it would be nice.
well we were walking and my mum says so your 6 weeks pregnant then i was in :shock:, i asked how do you know, she said oh i read an email of yours by accident. my emails are on my blackberry why did she have my phone.
thats not what annoyed me shes nosey but i would have liked to have told her what annoyed me is what came next.
raising to kids alone is hard, how are you gonna afford them, having a baby is not gonna make your partner stay, all you think about it your partner these days its like you have your own world, when this babys born you wont be welcome to come stay in my house anymore :shock:.

i mean im not a single mum so i wont be looking after them alone, my partner has a great job and so do i so i can afford another one, me and my partner are very happy and i didnt getting pregnant to make him stay we started ttcing, as for being welcome in her house well she can miss out on her grandkids growing up i dont care.

i know she hates my partner but i have no reason why, hes been nothing but good for me and she still so inlove with my ex that no one matches up and i hate that, im engaged with 1 son, soon they will be two kids she needs to get over it she makes me so angryyyyy
It always amazes me how negative people can be. My granny was awful, just cos se never really wanted kids but had them anyway, and cos I have 2 of my own and 2 step kids who raise as my own, she was telling anyone who'd listen that I should get rid and started reeling out all these concoctions they made back in the day to get rid of unwanted pregnancies (although mine was very much planned and wanted).

She's come round now but I'll never forgive the hurtful things she said.

I don't know if its a generation thing, or if shock makes people say things they later regret. I hope your mum comes round too, even though she can't take back what she's said. I'd let her steam for a bit and hopefully she'll realise how bad she sounded and make a move to put things right. Good luck. And congrats on your little bubba xxxx
Thats really unfair - hopefull she will see what she has done and apologise to you :hug:
Ahh Jochim's Mummy -I really feel disapointed when the people that should be the closest to us do this. and sometimes they disapoint again and again. I think that because she is your mum, she will feel she can say it like she see's it with you. But normally that person is the one you want to be the most supportive and understand. I know it's hard but try to ignore it and let it roll off you, she will sort herself out or tough she can't change or alter your chosen course and events for you.

I used to answer back to things like this to defend myself and we would have some major fallouts when I was in my twentys, now in my thirtys , I can see it more from a step back and don't get so riled, I know i will live my life just as I like it, and don't need the confirmation that I'm doing the right thing for me.
My mum and dad say what they think, bit hurtful to be honest, then they realsie It won't sway me, and they have to come round, that's there grandchild, and they wouldn't want to not be a part of it's life, when the ball is on the other foot! tee heee

Go with it, parents are soo rubbish sometimes, and sooo good other times.

Example, my dad did not talk to me for 8 months when i told him I was pregnant out of marriage, who was there to see the baby 3 days after the birth?? (I do still bear a private grudge on this).
I told my mum I was pregnant with number 4 in Feb, and she was pleased, then the next week, she really laid it on about resisting the urges to have just one more, as she did, apparently no one has 4 kids !! and how I had not thought it through and fell pregnant on a whim like a new puppy!! then when I MC the baby she was a super star running me to A&E in the middle of the night and she had to scrub her car seat clean too!

Go with it, the older they get the worse they seem to get, and far too honest! Please don't let it get you down. I had wish I had let things roll off me years ago, and kept the mum/daughter relationship happy in my twentys. you have the control, not her, hope that helps X

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