Dogs - just beware!

What a terrible situation that could have been so much worse. As you say if the dog has attacked people previously then it might be kinder for the dog and safer for all involved for the dog to go to the Bridge.

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Yes Kumber I think so too, I am all for animal welfare etc, but I just worry about the dog's mentality if it has done this, what will it think when it sees another toddler or baby or something. xx
I actually have a tear in my eye reading this... Me and my oh we're planning on getting a dog but im going to wait until my Lo is older now, this just doesn't bare thinking about :( hope the little girl is ok and recovering xxx
Could there have been a medical reason for it? St Bernard's aren't known for any type of aggression and are normally very placid dogs. I'm wondering if something happened before the attack as it seems like it's a bit out of character for the animal? We've been having problems with our husky she isn't herself at all so I know something is wrong with her and she's off to the vet tonight for a full body check xxx

I remember you posted a post about that, I thought I'd read she had got better?x

Nope a mass was found on her brain it's small about the size of a pea, she's also blind in one eye and she has a immune deficiency she's been better since having medication though. Yet every one is still telling me to rehome her or put her down. Gotten legal advice now and the vet who didn't check her (we've been to 3 now) is under investigation. I've also just moved (left oh) and took her with me she'll be under a specialist and she's on all sorts of medication an anti inflammatory for her eye as that's severely inflamed and tablets for the mass. Thank you for asking Hun xxx
She's the fourth St Bernard I have known to attack someone, they aren't as laid back as everyone thinks.

It would have killed her if Lucy hadn't turned around, she just started swallowing her, her mum was stood right next to her. The dog has bitten 3 other people we have just found out and I think it likely that she will be destroyed. There could well be something wrong with her, I reckon there is but again I have known temperaments like this in quite a variety of dogs and breeds. I work with dogs for a living so see this sort of thing more than people realise it happens. xx

That's horrific, so they where by told the dog has previously bitten? If so whoever they got the dog from is liable as that is a serious thing not to tell someone!!
How awful. I hope the little girl is okay.

I personally don't think it's safe to label any breed as 'laid back' and 'good with kid's they're all individuals. I hope that the dog is destroyed, a horrible thought but I know I destroy my dog if he attacked my daughter.

Poor little girl
Also going to make this very public and clear. KumberL. A biopsy cannot be done as its too small and it's on her brain nestled right in there so that's why and for the constant vet checks it's too see how she is reacting to medications and to get more
Bloods done. Or is that not something they do either? Leave me alone don't comment on any posts I make and ignore me but also don't try and get other members to not talk to me as that's bullying and I'm sure that's a rule.
I didn't tell anyone not to talk to you?

I'm glad that she's going to be ok, what a terrifying experience it must've been!
It's one of my worst fears. But as I've said before I don't feel that any animal can be trusted 100%. People where mortified when we took delivery of our bulldog from abroad. There was a lot of "you know that breed has a bad reputation"'as yet, he's not stepped a foot wrong. He's knocked our little girl over a few times with his big wiggly backside but there's no ounce of aggression in him- especially not towards her. However I do watch him like a hawk... He'd only have to look at her funny and I'd kill him myself! Xxx
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This was awful to read, the poor family :( as awful as it was to read thankyou for sharing

I'm glad surgery went well and wish her a full and quick recovery. Love to you all
She's doing really well thank goodness!

The dog has bitten other people yes, and when they have owned her so they really should think about having something done about it I think but I don't know the latest.


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