doesnt take water or juice


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I cant get ella to take any water from a bottle or juice from a beaker (dont want to give juice in a bottle) Iv been offering it her on these hot days but she's not fussed, if she really wanted it I guess she would take it?
I just feel bad becuase OH's mum had Ella the other day, and she's having her today, she said tell Laura to send a bottle of water with Ella, I didnt give her one last time becuase I knew she woudnt drink it. Now I feel like she thinks Im a bad mum for not giving her water and im a bit annoyed for her telling em what to do, like Im not capable of knowing what my daughter needs.

im sure she wud drink it if she really needed it, she gets water mixed with her cereal, formula and veggies so she isnt dehydrated.

does anyone elses baby not have any water and jsut ge tit through their foods? I do offer her it but she just refuses it :?
hiya, I cant really help because oliver is breast fed, but my mil also asked for a bottle with water for him on saturday night. but i always thought he wont need extra water as he gets it all from milk. does ant one know if i am right?

No he wont need water as your milk has everything he needs :) Tell MIL not to give him any as he doesn't need it!!

Haven't got any tips Lauz, sorry :( But as you said if she was thirsty she'd drink it :?
Breast fed babies still get thirsty and don't always want milk, you can give them water in this hot weather...Previously boiled water.... That's what HV told me when I was feeding Becky, and my friend who has just had a lil boy gives him water as he is constantly wanting fed, and she was told by HV in this weather it aint always a feed he needs but try giving him a couple of ounce of water if necessary... :think:
K X said:
Breast fed babies still get thirsty and don't always want milk, you can give them water in this hot weather...Previously boiled water.... That's what HV told me when I was feeding Becky, and my friend who has just had a lil boy gives him water as he is constantly wanting fed, and she was told by HV in this weather it aint always a feed he needs but try giving him a couple of ounce of water if necessary... :think:

I was told that you should only give baby water after 3 months of age, if you really need to. As you can imagine, it get's very hot here. Oscar was born in middle of summer - some days reaching early 40's celsius. He didn't take any extra fluids, dispite my mum insisting that he did. He just chomped alot more.

It certainly won't do any harm though....

Emilia xx
my friend who has just had a lil boy gives him water as he is constantly wanting fed, and she was told by HV in this weather it aint always a feed he needs but try giving him a couple of ounce of water if necessary..

But babies always feed a lot at first to begin with anyway. The last thing surely that she should do is give him water as this will give him a false sense of fullness and he'll miss out on what he needs. If he's just thirsty then he'll only feed for a short while.
He's 3 weeks old and feeding every 15mins, I understand some babies will get thirsty in this weather... :think:
Feeding every 15 mins? How long is he going on for? I remember Ella would go through stages of feeding for an hour, having 45 mins break, then back on for another hour and that was in the winter.
I didn't give Brody any extra drink until I started weaning him. The foremilk is designed to quench thirst, so he didn't need anything else. If her HV told her to, then I don't blame her, I just wish HV's were consistent cos all mine told me no water was necessary.
at 3 weeks baby should not be given any water, they can get full up on this and miss out on calories. HV's know very little about breastfeeding, they don't recieve any decent training so unless they have breastfed themselves they are not the best source of advice. If her baby is feeding every 15 mins then I would recomend she gets her latch checked out.I agree with Urchin and Rosie. Now Seren has solids she gets a beaker of water with her dinner butapart from that she has the boob reguklarly (hasn't been off it in this weather)
Harley feeds every 3 hrs and has a full 7oz, after about 2 hrs he will want a feed so i give him water he takes a couple of oz then he will nod back of untill its been 3hrs

maybe babies dont need water?? some HV have told me they do some say they dont some websites say thet do some say they dont??? but still i think water would be nice and refreshing as harleys mouth gets all sticky and dry with just milk.. i no i wouldnt like to be drinking milk all day in this weather
I was just about to post a simular question as i am having the same sort of problem however I have to admit I'm really slack at offering it now :oops:

I am currently weaning Aimee and she is on 2 meals a day, I dont want to give her juice until she accepts water (dont know why) and I wanted her to only have it from a cup/beaker thing so she knows the difference but she cant seem to master it... she does have a chomp but nothing comes out ... should I just offer it in a regular bottle?
My DH said dont know why im bothering trying to give her water out the trainer cup as she cant drink it so I gave up but then if I dont keep trying then surley she'll never learn ....
dionne said:
Harley feeds every 3 hrs and has a full 7oz, after about 2 hrs he will want a feed so i give him water he takes a couple of oz then he will nod back of untill its been 3hrs

maybe babies dont need water?? some HV have told me they do some say they dont some websites say thet do some say they dont??? but still i think water would be nice and refreshing as harleys mouth gets all sticky and dry with just milk.. i no i wouldnt like to be drinking milk all day in this weather

As far as I know formula fed babies should be offered water regularly, breastfed babies have the foremilk to quench their thirst.

I think if a BF baby was drinking water till they wanted a proper feed, they'd then have the foremilk to get through before the more substantial hind milk, so there's no way they'd be getting enough calories, they just get full of the "drink" with no"meal"
I dont know what to do , duds Im exactly the same, I want her to drink out of a beaker so she knows the difference and I think she should learn how to do it eventually. Im off work tommorow so I think Ill spend quite a bit of time offering her water and juice ect see if she will take any. She did have a little bit of water from a bottle the other day.
So is it ok to give water from a bottle, or would it be better to give ither from a beaker to train her to use it?

Emelia I remember Oscar drinking from a beaker a while ago and you posted a pic of him holding it himself, you recommended a certain beaker to you have a link for it please?
have u tries jelly my hv told me to give hannnah jelly the type you make up because that is all water
Lauz_1601 said:
She did have a little bit of water from a bottle the other day.
So is it ok to give water from a bottle, or would it be better to give ither from a beaker to train her to use it?

In this weather if she will take water from a bottle I would let her as it's more important to keep her hydrated.

Brody has a Tommee Tippee "my first cup" and he knows how to use it but still messes about with it so I let him have water from a bottle too.
Damien won't drink water 9don't blame him) and he can't figure out a beaker to get enough juice as he needs, so he has juice from a bottle. Not ideal but if he's thirsty then I won't deny him a drink just coz he won't take a beaker. I'll try him with it when it cools down again.

I know it's not really reccomended though :doh:
if ella is still refusing water or juice from a beaker I might try her with juice in a bottle, because like you say sami I dont want to give her nothing. I now feel bad for not really trying hard enough to give her water or juice especially over the past few days when its been really hot. I did keep offering her water one day but she wasnt interested but I should have tried harder! tommorow Im on a mission to get plenty of fluids down her!
Don't worry hun, Damien won't drink water even if he's thirsty! Try the juice in a bottle and see how she goes, as long as she gets something it'll help :) x

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