doesnt take water or juice

lauz we bought a beaker from the pound shop and to get the juice liam hasnt got to suck if you just tip it up he will get the water, so thats what we give him, little bits at a time, and now he is fine with water, he doesnt drink loads but he will have an ounce or two at a time.

thanks davina! She actually had some water today but she chokes really bad on it its horrible! I think its becuase she has fast flow teats for her formula but it is thicker, so Ill try giving her water with a medium flow teat. She didnt have much though about half an ounze, probably would have had more if she didnt choke on it!
just wanted to say that zoé used to feed (breast)every few minutes when she was really young... there was no problem with her latching on, she simply was a VERY hungry baby and put on considerable amounts of weight. she's now stopped that and feeds every few hours.

also, even with breastfed babies (yes they get what they need from the milk), it is good to give them a few gulps of water from time to time especially around midday when its really hot. its just not recommended when they are too wee (1/2 weeks old)

we had to look into all that from an early stage
nevertheless if the baby doesnt take the water yet its not the end of the world

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