Does your LO look like Mummy or Daddy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Everybody says that Poppy is the spitting image of me. I've not heard anybody say she looks like her Daddy! I've realised that most babies either look like one parent or the other, it's rarely a mix of both parents from what I've noticed. So I'm interested in knowing who your LO looks like. Would be cute to see photos too :)

Here's a photo of me as a baby...


By funkymoonbaby at 2012-03-21

And Poppy...


By funkymoonbaby at 2012-03-21
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Awww bless you look the same. My lo both looked just like daddy at birth but my eldest is starting to look like me now instead.
I dont have my baby pics to show you but great thread.

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Looks just like you so cute! Love her oufit.

My LO looks just like daddy will upload pics tommorrow xx

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Charlie always looked like me now he's getting older I see my ex in him unfortunately.

Lewis looks so much like OH and i knew he would before he was even born somehow. But now he's getting his fat baby face he resembles me too poor thing.

Sorry for big pics



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Poppy really does look like you when you were younger!

Everyone says my LO is the double of me, never her daddy, but I don't see it at the mo. I do think she looks like me when I was young though - will see if I have photos...
She is soon cute and the image of you in your baby pic :) x
The first pic is me, and second pic is LO on my bed, obviously a good few years younger than me in my pic - it would be better if she was making the face I am, cos she does actually make that face when she's squee-ing about stuff :lol:


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Awww. I'm half norn iron half Indian and my oh is Scottish and my lo is the whitest baby ever.

I do worry that people think that I have stolen her or am the au pair!
This is me as a baby on the left of the first photo at about 18 months and Paige at 6 months on the right and the second photo is Paige at 18 months.


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Literally the spitting image of you guys - it's amazing.

Everyone thinks Ariel looks like me or my family but he has his Daddy's cleft chin!
I never notice she looks like me but y mum is forever pulling out photos in shock at how similar we look lol. Yet when she's with her dad everyone says they're the spit of each other.
Omg that's amazing I thought all of those pics were the same baby!!
Lily looks like us both, my eyes and lips and his nose eyebrows and hairline..
The MiL got pics of the OH when he was a baby out at the weekend. Chloe is the absolute spitting image of him except she has my red hair :)
Layla is her Daddy's double I think
Me and Layla (sorry i look a mess)

Layla and Daddy
Leandro looks like my dad and oh. It's funny I never get me just a mix of my dad and oh. Everyone says th top half is oh and bottom is my dad xx
Ella has my hair, eyes and nose but she has her dads mouth... Here is me on the left and Ella at 3 months...
Jack really is a mixture of the both of us! I'll upload some pics later but it's uncanny how like us both he is! He defo has OH's shape face but has my hair, nose & chin. He defo has my nature too, calm and laid back!

Augustmum - How much are you & Paige alike!! Spooky!! x
Hannah looks like both of us. Depends which face she is pulling lol x

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