does this sound like reflux?

I used 1/2 oz of breast milk as it says to use that of water, I used to pump off 3 oz in one go, or more and stick the rest in the freezer, Toby now has it as he needs (we have switched to ranitidine) and I just use 1 ice cube...

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well i started tegan on the gaviscon yesterday afternoon she had some more after her 10pm feed then slept 7 hours sraight i feel like a new women x
well i started tegan on the gaviscon yesterday afternoon she had some more after her 10pm feed then slept 7 hours sraight i feel like a new women x

Brilliant!! I don't use it during the day, I might now :) longest sleep I get is 5 hours. Well done xxx
i wasnt going to use it in the day but i gave her some more this morning and she spent 2hours awake afterwards really happy instead of screaming x
aww class! yeah cos if its taking away their pain and discomfort girls def worth using during day :D xx
Charley won't sleep longer than 3-4 hours!! But he hasn't cried while being fed since using gaviscon!
Welldone Tegan for sleeping :D x x
charley will prob take a huge growth spurt now too hun :D lol xx
Fab news :yay:

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