does this sound like I could have miscarried? advice please

*The first pic was Wednesday Fmu, the second pic is today's Fmu. I think today's one is marginally darker.... does anyone else think so? Or is my desperation for it to be darker clouding my judgement? Today I would be approx. 4+4.



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No, no - that is darker, it has only been a day between but it has went darker - would you try a digi?

I imagine if it were a mc your hormone would drop pretty quick. I got a BFN yesterday after mc on 15th at 5w.

The only thing you can do unfortunately is wait, waiting is a bugger.

Hey hun, ring an early pregnancy unit and book in for a scan. When I miscarried I paid for a scan at a local private midwife as not knowing was killing me! hope your okay xxx
Id say thats deffo a positive, deffo dark. However measuring HCG with a pregnancy test isnt ideal.

Some get positive tests weeks after they mc. Everyone is different.

I would just hang on for the 2 weeks until you are able to be scanned, worrying and constantly testing isnt doing good, or cheap either!

I'm out of tests now so I won't be testing anymore! Lol. I'm going to call the doc tomorrow and tell him I'm still getting positives and hope he will send me for a scan. He told me to call back this Thursday if still getting positives so I'm sure one day early won't matter much to him.

Just to update this thread should anyone read it at a later date and is in the same position.....

Had a scan at 6 weeks due to bleeding /spotting and all was fine. Saw heartbeat.

Yesterday suffered a miscarriage although waiting for this to be confirmed with a scan on Wednesday. I would have been 9 weeks on Monday. To me it seems like this outcome was inevitable as I bled and spotted before I even got my bfp. Of course this is not the case for everyone, for me I think I always suspected my little beam would not stick.

Obviously everyone is different and if you do bleed doesn't mean you will have the same experience as me. I just wanted to put the outcome in here as I hate reading threads that match what I'm going through and I never know what the outcome was! Xx
So sorry hun :( my second pregnancy i bled just the once before i got bfp so i believe that was a sign something was wrong bug i only figured that out in hindsight an know its not always a bad thing to bleed but for me it was

Take care hun xxx
Thank you. I never bled with my first at all so I was very anxious this time with all the spotting and bleeding I had.

Even though I KNOW I have miscarried I think I'm in denial. Yesterday I was inconsolable, today is denial. Perhaps tomorrow will be anger! It was all over very quickly with no physical pain at all just a backache. And the bleeding lasted less than a day. Today it's more like spotting. But I know what I saw. I'm just having a battle with myself I guess. My head knows what happened my heart is desperate for it not to be true. Xx
I know hun i chose medical management as it was best option for me but for me i felt i needed to see the miscarriage happening as horrible as that sounds it felt like id get more closure that way than a doctor saying that the op went well wen i passed baby i didnt look i had enough mental images without that too but i knew id passed it like urself i had no real physical pain xx
So sorry to hear that.
I spotted throughout 6 weeks to 9 and then had a missed miscarriage.
You're right it's not always bad news but vreat to update.
Take care xx
So sorry to read your update, TTC can be so bloody hard at times, hopefully the scan on Wednesday will bring you some answers, I have had two MMC's I know how raw it feels in the initial weeks the passing of time doesn't make you forget but it does get easier to deal with. Xx
So sorry to hear about your losses too. My heart goes out to you all.

It all seems a bit surreal today. Carried on as normal, met friends and went to the cinema. Part of me just can't believe this has happened. I am so grateful I have a wonderful partner and my beautiful boy to focus on.

I have heard of women who conceive again the very next month after a miscarriage. Hopefully this will be us and we will have a healthy baby. I'm petrified now this will happen again. I guess all women are who have miscarried. Wow. Life can be pretty tough at times!
Hey, I've kind of just gone through the same. 3 days heavy bleeding and clots. 2 days later I found out I was pregnant. I've since had 4 blood tests. First were in the 300s, second 800s, third 400s. I get the last blood test results tomorrow. They have basically said that there is now no hope for this pregnancy. I started spotting again on Saturday. It's stopped now. They have said if it's the same or higher then they need to check for ectopic. If it's lower then they will give me a week to bleed out. If not they will need further blood tests and possibly treatment.

I'm so sorry hun. However some people do bleed early in their pregnancy because the hcg levels haven't had time to rise and their body doesn't recognise they are pregnant. However I would go to the gp/epu for tests! Best of luck.. This week has literally been one of the worst for me and I'm still playing the waiting game. Good luck! Xx
Just to update this thread for anyone who reads in the future.

Had a scan on 4th November and it was confirmed I had miscarried although I had not passed the baby as I had thought. That would explain why I didn't bleed too much, wasn't in too much pain etc. I was so shocked at the scan when I was told the baby was still there. I was just naive I guess about what a miscarriage was really like.

I chose to have an erpc on the 10th November which was 2 weeks ago today. I stopped spotting yesterday and yesterday was my first negative hpt. So for me it has taken approx. 2 weeks to recover physically. Recovering mentally is a whole different story....

I hope you other lovely ladies are doing OK. I still can't talk about the whole thing to people without welling up but I know over time I will get stronger.

So sorry again Lou. I'm the same, can't talk about it without crying. I found it so much easier to text people about it! Went to get my hair done at the weekend and my hairdresser (who's a friend) said 'are you pregnant? oh my god you're pregnant!' and i started welling up and had to say well I was... Its still really hard. I feel very bitter about it, its strange! 4th of November was when I started m/c although had it confirmed on the 5th. Here if you want to talk anytime xx

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