does this sound like I could have miscarried? advice please


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
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Hi all,

Wonder if anyone has been in a similar situation and can offer some advice please.

On 4 & 5dpo I had bloody discharge, only when i wiped after my first pee.At 12dpo (last wednesday) I had a heavy bleed and assumed it was af arriving very early. (TMI but something came out and was in the toilet pan just assumed it was normal period / lining).

After a few hours heaving bleeding stopped and went to a browny pinky discharge till Saturday.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday positive hpt.

I think I may have had an early miscarriage. Does anyone know how long my tests would be showing positive for if I have indeed had a miscarriage? Basically I won't know will I till my test stop being positive?

Hey love, sorry you are going through this.

I recently went through something similar. I have a coil in and wasnt expecting to be pregnant. I had what I thought was a week long period, I stopped and the next day I woke with thick blood and passed something in the loo. I didnt see the size or anything as there was alot of blood. What did the thing look like you passed? I think sacs look blood clot like with tissue and fluidy looking.

Anyway I went to work then the next day tested and got a + test.

I then got my bloods done the day after I got my + which were at 2541 then again a few days later and they were 800 so obviously the thing I passed was a sac.

My case was different as I have a coil and in turn that probably contributed to my mc.

I would perhaps speak with your EPU and ask to get bloods done - or your GP. It could be a break through bleed - or could perhaps be some spotting (I bled through early pregnancy first time round).

Good luck.

Thanks for ur reply hun and sorry for your loss. This waiting game sucks worse than the tww.

I didn't pay too much attention to it really, I guess just a blob really is how I would describe it. No cramps though it was a total surprise that I bled.

Spoke to my doc he just said to test again end of next week and if still positive to call back and make and appointment. I'm going to sound stupid here but what is EPU? Waiting till next week to find out with be torture. I guess it's just a waiting game.

Did you do any further pregnancy tests? Or did you not bother after you got your bloods back? Xx
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Hi honey sorry you are going through this, the EPU is the Early Pregnancy Unit - they can carry our scans / blood tests.
If you wait 48hours in between doing the Pregnancy Tests you should be able to see if it is getting darker or lighter.
Could your GP do the hcg blood test for you to check pregnancy hormone levels?
Hi honey sorry you are going through this, the EPU is the Early Pregnancy Unit - they can carry our scans / blood tests.
If you wait 48hours in between doing the Pregnancy Tests you should be able to see if it is getting darker or lighter.
Could your GP do the hcg blood test for you to check pregnancy hormone levels?
Ahhhh ok thanks. I just looked up my local EPU and it says you need to be referred by GP or you can self refer if you have had 3 consecutive early miscarraiges or previous ectopic. I might give them a call tomorrow though and see what they say.

I just peed on an ovulation stick and it's still pretty dark. I know it's not the same as a pregnancy test but I only have X2 tests left so want to save them for a bit longer.

Deep down I feel like I am pregnant but maybe my mind and body playing tricks on me. Xxx
So sorry your going through this hun but I'd think at just 12dpo it's not big enough for you to feel it coming out and so so early that if that happened Wednesday a test would be negative by Saturday. Take a test tomorrow and again Friday and compare the lines. It should get darker. Fingers crossed for you. I bled loads with my daughter so can be fine and I always know I'm pregnant where I spot from about 9dpo xxx
Thanks for ur reply hun and sorry for your loss. This waiting game sucks worse than the tww.

I didn't pay too much attention to it really, I guess just a blob really is how I would describe it. No cramps though it was a total surprise that I bled.

Spoke to my doc he just said to test again end of next week and if still positive to call back and make and appointment. I'm going to sound stupid here but what is EPU? Waiting till next week to find out with be torture. I guess it's just a waiting game.

Did you do any further pregnancy tests? Or did you not bother after you got your bloods back? Xx

I havent tested but i know for as long as a good amount of hcg remains in your system you will still get positives. A few girls on here got positive weeks after. I know from the level of hcg thay dropped plus i got scanned twice and amount of blood it was deffo a mc. It went from tues to fri for me and it was the longest days ever!!

Early pregnancy unit or ur nurse can do bloods until 7w then epu may scan you if you are still bleeding. 1 blob no other blood and no cramping doesnt sound like a mc, but better sage than sorry i had no pain atall and I was 5w on xxx
Sorry you are going thru this. I had a mc a month ago at 6 weeks.
Started with spotting which turned to heavy bleeding over the course of two days. No.pain or cramps, just a dull ache.I lost one clot which I caught when wiping.
After that, my bleeding almost stopped straight away.
MC was co firmed. Took two weeks to get a negative test, slowly fading each day
EPU scanned me and did a blood test every two days to make sure my hcg levels were dropping.
Thank you for your responses, it has helped to talk it out with others. It's really playing on my mind. Sorry to hear about your losses too.

I took a hpt this morning. Fmu on an ic. I think it might be a darker positive than the ic I did on Saturday. Although I don't think the Saturday one was Fmu. Every time I see a positive I cling on to hope and deep down convince myself I'm still pregnant.

If I can work out how I will upload a pic of my rest this morning and see what you guys think.

Thanks again for the support. Xxx
Awww hun I know the feeling thats why I wont test again atm, I dont want to see a + I know isnt there.

Fx it was just a wee breakthrough bleed or something and all is well. Deffo get your bloods done, you will get the answers you need in 48 hours..

I will call the EPU and see if they will agree to do my bloods. I'm pretty sure my doc won't do them.

Can anyone tell me how to upload a pic? I can't work it out and it's driving me crackers. Xx
Hi LouLou - it's really hard to tell unless you compare with the exact same test from last week, I would definitely ring and ask would they test your blood.
If you have miscarried you could still have hcg in your system as it can take a while to drop, an early scan would show if lining was still thick and if you have signs of pregnancy in your womb like the feotal sac, it would be too early to see a heartbeat.
It is definitely possible to bleed and still be pregnant, I would try your GP & EPU again and explain that you are very anxious and hopefully you get a nice person who will give you an appointment for an early scan / blood tests xxx
It is a bit faint, but I dunno what the other one was like - what times they were done or how far your along?

The only thing you can do is test same time 48h or ask nurse to do the bloods, your practice nurse should do them!

Its similar to the line I got when I was just literally 5w along and had just had the mc..

You could try a digi?

Thanks Clementine. Called the EPU and they said to go back and speak to my doctor.

Think I'm going to see if I can wait it out till next week like my doc said but if I grt too anxious I will call my doc again. Xxx
I would be about 4 w + 2 I think.

Might try a digi on Friday. I'm away this weekend so hopefully that will distract me from over thinking the whole situation.

No seems willing to do my bloods! Xx
Looks like a 4w line tbh. Id take another of the same test you have even tomorrow at the same time and compare those - if your still not sure get a digi...

Strange? I see ladies on here all the time saying their GPs/Nurses are refusing bloods - I just go into my GP and tell them what I need done and they do it :shock: sometimes the receptionists are a bit arsey and appointments arent like immediate, but still get them, thankfully.

That is good you have a gp surgery that do that for you. I normally speak to my gp on the phone otherwise I don't get to see him for weeks.

Aw yeah we get triaged - the practice nurse calls us. But I think to an extent they still have a duty of care. If you are bleeding, and recieving positve tests surely you cant be expected to hold on and keep testing and waiting :shock: I wonder if the nurses would do that in their shoes. I know I can usually get out patients at my work to do my blood as a favour as I work there, so garantee you nurses/GPs dont need to call ahead, because it shouldnt be such a farse for something that takes 5 mins!


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