Does anyone know much about employee rights?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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on thursday i have a fetal heart scan and my hubby asked for the day off a week ago his supervisor said yes that it would be fine so basicly he is to take his day off on thursday insted of friday (he works monday to saturday with friday and sunday off in the week) anyway my husband mentioned it to his supervisor today and he said he couldn't change his day off as his supervisor booked for one of his other coluges to have thursday off (and she is unable to cover due to having another job) even tho he has said yes a week ago, anyway i was wondering what are his rights on this if he has any rights? can he put in a complaint? what should he do, he has just about had enough of his job he is having problems with a work colluge interfeering in everything he does (she not even his boss silly bint) and they owe him 6 months commision which they said they would pay 2 months ago so as you can imagine he is very stressed out atm with all this and he really doesn't want to miss out on our baby's scan
please someone give me some advise :(
I would contact ACAS they can give you impartial advice on employment law.

They are really good Ive used them a few times. The website is a bit clunky with tons of info as you can imagine so I'd not waste time trawling the site just ring the helpline and speak to someone.
thanks so much :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: we really apreciate your advise, hubby will phone them on monday :D
I'm afraid that your husband dosnt have any legal right to the time off, ... G_10029398

from my experience I dont think there is anything that your partner can do except maybe ask the supervisor to reconsider or maybe ask if he can just have the hours needed for the scan (if thats feasible?)

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