Does anyone actually like their MIL?!

LisaJ1986 said:
I get on ok with mine. Sometimes it used to feel like i wasn't good enough. Now i just feel like they have to talk to me coz of Angel. And that goes for all of the In-Law side! If i wasn't around i don't think they'd notice.

Same here :roll: My in laws overlooked me when Beth was born, id just been the incubator for "their grandchild" and they would say hello and do all the small talk crap but as soon as they had hold of her it was like i didnt exist. If they needed to pass her back for any reason they would always give her to OH, even if he was out of the room and i was sitting right there, they'd shout him to come and take her and totally blank me.

Well, theyve kind of "gone off" Beth the bigger she's got (which i find disgusting :shakehead: ) and they started creeping to me again when i was pregnant with Iz. His mum kept touching my bump :puke: and saying things like "you look after that for me" which really pissed me off :evil:

So like ive said in my previous post i really hold them at arms length now. I dont let them get away with half the stuff i used to when i had Beth.

Just pisses me off that whenever they do see us and the kids they are so blatently all over Izzie and they pretty much ignore Beth. :( His dad even said to me once "I love Izzie they was i used to love Beth" :shock: Or he'll phone and say "how's my girl?" and i'll have to say "shes fine, AND SO'S BETH TOO, THANKS FOR ASKING!!!!

So i dont like my FIL either, lol :lol:
Unfortunately I don't have a MIL :( but I am sure if she was still here then we would have got on. She sounds like she was lovely. And she looks friendly & kind in all her photos.
Yeah I think mine's great. She doesn't interfere at all and dotes on Cara. She's always sending me bits and pieces that she thinks I might like and is sorting out some of our wedding bits for us.
I dont im afraid! i still feel like im not good enough and she likes to keep me there iykwim!! :evil:

oh and forgot to mention the whole "spreading rumours about me and hubby" thing :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

i wish it was different though!
I love mine!!! I could see her being like my mum if we spent more time together, i don't like DD's grandmother too much though, i feel she's always trying to get rid of me and i'm in the way, and she seems to have lost interest in DD as she;'s getting older, i just hope if she loses it all together it's before DD is old enough to notice.

Good job she'll never be my MIL. I'm luck y to have her tbh, another ex's mum was a total nightmare!
My relationship with my in laws is a bit complicated lol and to be honest more goes on in my mind than ever actually gets exposed :lol: which seems to be the best place to keep it to be honest :wink:

Before we got married I was intimidated by my f-i-l and couldn't stand my m-i-l. He looked really stern and wasn't speaking much english at the time so I found it hard to communicate (as well as being scared as anything that he came to the UK to bring his son home as his visa was running out only to be told that he's gona stay here with this english girl instead :shock: lol ) and my m-i-l when I finally met her (who also doesn't speak fluent english) thought that I'd just sponge of her son and wouldn't put anything back into the house or the family and probably ask for a divorce after a few years because that's the kind of stories and rumours spread over there about how us western women are :talkhand: We argued bitterly and I found out she had a rep with the extended family for being a busy body :shakehead:

However his dad decided it was ok as long as his son was 100% sure and so when we got married they both put aside their differences and completely took me in as the role of another daughter. Basically if their sons mind was made up and he decided to marry me then there was no point pushing the matter further. 3years later things are rosey on the surface....they always bring me £100's worth of stuff when they come over which has been about once a year so far (clothes, jewllery, perfume) and make a big fuss of me. They are totally over the moon with Farooq because he's the first grandchild....
I found out that someone in the family DID actually marry a white english girl who stayed a few years then left with the kid so this justified my m-i-l's worries. However she love's nothing more than to flash her cash and brag about her d-i-l being english :talkhand: can be very annoying but at the end of the day pretty harmless.
They've offically seperated now although they aren't divorcing as yet and there is often a power struggle of who controls the kids going on, which seems to also extend to who gets the most pictures of the baby etc :wall:
My f-i-l DID get under my feet more than he actually helped out when Farooq was first born and he stayed with us 8weeks. His intentions were good but he was like a mother hen and just totally OTT for my liking :oops:
I'm worried my m-i-l will be the same so I'm bracing myself for when we take him abroad to see her hopefully later this year. Luckily we're gona have to visit both of them and as they live in seperate countries then we'll only be able to spend 4days with each :shhh: which I'm secretly releaved about so then I can get me and Farooq back into our normal routine :wink:
mudgey said:
My OHs parents wont meet me so I have no idea :lol: Hes Indian, Im white so they refuse point blank to acknowledge me in any way at all even though we've been together 5years and lived together for 3! They only live 5minutes away in a house that my OH owns and I know what they look like, see his dad in the street but he doesnt even look at me! Im hoping it might change when bubba arrives, not for my sake, I dont care at all but I want my baby to at least know his/her grandparents :?

Awww hun I hope it works out for your little one even if you never build up a proper relationship with them yourself :hug:
I'm afraid I can't really offer advise because in general (I bet loadz of people will say it's not true now! lol :lol: ) Pakistani's and Indian's don't get on away from the boarder. My hubby has had 1 or 2 indian friends in his lifetime but he actually grew up outside of pakistan and has grown up used to using use several terms for Indian's (Patarn for eg) to refer to someone as stupid or odd :shock: His dad also seems to hold some predjudice, as do a lot of the other pakistani lads I know. I guess when the country only split about 3 generations ago you can't expect all the ill feelings to have gone yet :roll:
I know that they are steriotyped a lot for still using the cast system to arrange marriages etc which 'could' be why you're having problems :(
I REALLY hope things buck up for you :pray: :hug:
I know I bitch about my MIL (A LOT!!) but she is ok really. She's not at all nasty, just sometimes the things she says doesn't come out right. I find when she's being herself she's really nice, the trouble is she tries to put on a show of being really upper class and sophisticated and ends up coming across like Hyacinth Bucket and being a real pain in the arse....But I love her really, her hearts in the right place :D

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