Does anyone actually like their MIL?!

siany said:
I really like mine. She loves to see Lottie but makes no demands and isnt pushy with advice. She is really smitten with Lottie and it is lovely to see how much she adores her.

Sounds like mine :D her advice is always great aswell
i love mine :oops: prefer her to my own mother (that's awful actually) she would do anything for me in a heartbeat, and isn't overbearing in anyway, will drop anything to come and help me if i need it :)

I am very very lucky.
sazzylou said:
Mines just really annoying :roll:

She was really OTT when i had Beth and used to try and take over all the time. Wouldnt let me push the puchchair (I saw her knuckles actually go white where she was gripping it so hard once....stupid cow) She'd feed her, change her, gove her things like chocolate without asking, so wheni had Izzie i really held her at arms length. Now she's really overly nice which also annoys the hell out of me. She sort of creeps to me a bit now. Urgh, i just find her ver very irritating.

I sound like im being harsh, but she's only like this now because ive asserted myself. A few years ago i was a bit of a pushover and used to let her get away with things. She's buy us stuff and then brag to her friends in front of us which was horrible, then say things like "well, ive treated them" and pat me in a really patronising way. Gos she did SO much more but im cooking dinner, and ive not got time to count all theways she's p*ssed me off :lol:

She just does my head in. Dont really like seeing her tbh, she winds me up :lol:

I could have written that myself! :lol: :lol:

She sounds exactly like mine. My MIL is (to put it nicely!) a patronising, fussy, over-bearing, nosey woman who can't stand the fact that I've 'stolen her baby boy' (HER words, not mine!) If I could move to the other side of the world to get away from her, I would. Although I've got no doubt that if we did, she would still ring us 50 million times a day and try to visit at every opportunity. Oh and also the fact that she doesn't like any of my family and takes great delight in making sly comments and digs about my mum doesn't help... how dare she! I better shut up now or this will turn into a full blown rant! :lol:
sueken said:
I get on great with mine but i have had to work on it over the last 22 years.

I have never really had a chance to get to know mine, Im in awe of them in a way!! I never know what to say around them! The first time I was alone with her was when I had my wedding dress and I needed to store it at hers I was hopping from foot to foot in uncomfortable silence!!
His parents would do anything for us but sometimes Im like STOP!!! Im not used to it at all!!
Im hopeing though this baby will bring us closer together and give us something to communicate about, as at mo when I text her I feel like Im bothering her!!!
she isn't yet, but i adore my mil to be :lol: she is soo lovely.

i remember once years ago & me and oh where dating i was staying at theirs and i came down with a case of food poisoning... she sat up all night with me whilst i was being sick.
My future MIL is fantastic, so is my future FIL. They've treated me like a member of the family from the first minute, and are just lovely people. MIL is even going to make my wedding dress.
My MIL is fine most of the time now but we've had some real problems that have spoilt our relationship and really limited it from being any better. She still has her moments where she really irritates me like on Sunday when she gave Lu an ice cream after dinner without asking us and then wanted to give her another - they were tiny but still! :roll:
I love both my future MIL & FIL, they treat me like a daughter and are so helpful. They dote on Jack. They're really good parents to OH too. I love that about them, I think because I have lost both my parents I cherish the relationship I have with them and make the most of it. They can both be annoying at times too but who isn't? :lol:
I get on really well with my MIL, we are very close. I talk to her on the phone 2 or 3 times a week. She always tells me I'm a fab Mum and that Maddison is a credit to me, maybe thats why I like her so much :lol:
i get on fine with mine never had any problems and they love me now i've given them there first grandchild as all three of their kids said they didn't want children but obviously my OH was lying cos he wants more already, so to mine i'm their only chance of grandchildren. they do live 90 miles away though so can't really annoy me lol. they are both great though bought me loads of stuff as their split up they bought us stuff seperate.
My MIL has absolutely no interest in LO or me. Unless I've been missing something. OH was golden boy and I don't think she can get over the idea that I somehow "spoiled his chances". :roll: which is rubbish,I haven't
NO She is bloody awful. Infact I dont not like her I feel sorry for her :lol:
I used to really like her but then I had her grandson :roll:

Cue her coming over and staying with us while I was in labor, bursting into the hospital room during sensitive moments (stitches!) and generally morphing into an annoyingly obsessive grandmother.

I wish I still liked her but I can't bring myself to trust her after what she's done, and the only reason I still see her is because I don't want to deny her access to her grandson... and for my son's sake as well so that he can have a relationship with her.

I feel a rant building up about her... beware, denizens of PF, I may have to get it all off my chest soon... probably right after one of her weekly 6 hour visits. Yeah, I said 6 hours. 6. Six. :puke:
mines lovely too, we gang up together against OH! lol (jokingly)
Im not married to my bf, but his step mum is a pain in the a**e.
Shes constantly moaning and whinging that im lazy and dnt do anything round the house, wen im forever cleaning up her mess. Shes the most unhygienic person ive met, she just uses food in the kitchen and leaves it lying around for everyone else to clean up after her, her idea of cleaning is when someone is coming over or she is in a bad mood.
I dnt agree with the way shes brought up her children, as they constanly run loops around her and dnt have any morals what-so-ever, and i know that wen the babys born we will not see eye to eye.
When i told her i liked the name charlie for a boy, she even had the cheek to turn round and say she wnt call the baby charlie she will call it something else as she doesnt like the name.
Shes very controlling, and me being a very independant person, we clash alot. I cant wait till me n my bf get our own place, because i cant stand being at hers.
His father is alrite, but his view of a woman is to cook and clean after him and hes forever trying to make my bf act like that towards me. The day he starts to treat me like a slave i am out of there tho.
Sorry for the rant, its the first chance ive had to let it all out.
One thing im not enjoying bout being pregnant is the hormones lol im forever getting upset.

Can i have someone elses MIL :p

my MIL is lovely laid back and doesn't fuss like my mum.

its my FIL i have probs with :roll:
bhe101 said:
Mine is nice enough but most of the time she gets on my bloody nerves!
I think shes a bit scared of me :lol: :twisted:

that made me LOL :lol:

what do you DO to her exactly :rotfl:

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