Doctors results round 1


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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My blood tests came back normal (i.e. I am ovulating). tbh I'm not surprised by that.

OH has been sent for further testing, as the morphology was not great and his testosterone levels were below normal. Count and motility fine.

Am bang in the middle of my cycle again so we're using this week for TTC purposes so it'll be 3 more weeks I guess before we find out anything further.

Anyone else been in a similar situation re OH?
My OH was sent for a blood test for Karyotyping I think it's called, there was a problem with his SA results, low count I think (not too sure as we haven't had our follow up appointment yet) the results of the blood test take 6 weeks though. Is that what your OH has been sent for?

All my bloods came back normal to, which didn't surprise me either as I chart my BBT so could see from that I was ovulating. I did have very slight prolactin levels but not enough to be causing any problems apparently.
Hi tinsel, nice to see you back :)

How many SA has hubby had?! Apparently they have to have 2-3 before they can diagnose anything?!

My hubby gets his results from his 2nd sample today as the 1st was bit rubbish x
Hey Tinsel results sound positive on the whole. Good luck :clover:

Glad your results came back good tinsel, Good luck for this month :) xx
Hi ladies

Thanks for your good wishes!

OH is having his 2nd SA and blood test in the next week, but I think they're just checking the standard things as he's expecting the results to take about a week to process. Not sure what will happen after that, I get the impression he might get referred somewhere. I just hope it doesn't all take too long!

The doctor mentioned that if morphology continued not to be good, the answer might involve selecting a particular sperm and injecting it into the egg. However she told my partner separately that IVF wouldn't be the course we'd follow. I'm confused - is this not IVF?

Does anyone know what happens once you get a number of 'poor' SA results?


p.s. On another note, I think today is ovulation day - would be great to get a valentine's day baby!! (long shot I know but hey :) )
Just found this interesting as my OH has only had 1 SA, can they diifer quite significantly then? We are both making alot of lifestyle changes and will be getting him tested again privately in 3 months as his Nov one wasnt very good atall x good luck to everyone btw xxx
Think they use both SAs for consistent comparison. Having said that my OH's second came back with crazy results (0% morphology, 5 x normal amount of sperm) and doctor didn't seem to think anything of it at all!
Just found this interesting as my OH has only had 1 SA, can they diifer quite significantly then? We are both making alot of lifestyle changes and will be getting him tested again privately in 3 months as his Nov one wasnt very good atall x good luck to everyone btw xxx

Where we were referred for fertility test only done one SA for my OH too, quite frustrating as its seems quite normal to have the odd test come back with bad results.
Does he use a laptop etc?
The heat from the laptop if used on his lap can nuke the spermies.
Hubby had a fail test and he uses a laptop on his lap dailiy. He was told off and we got a plank of wood to go across the chair for his laptop to sit on. A month later he had another test which was perfectly fine.

Test 3 a few months later was better than fine :)

So remeber - warm nads = crap spermies :D

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