Do your kids get out to exciting places much *rant warning*


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Im a bit down about my kids lack of a holiday this year. Because our business was quiet this year we didnt get a family holiday. The furthest we got was a day trip to Millport and thats not that far away but the kids loved it.

When I work my kids go to my mums of they arent with oh. My mum and dad hardly ever take them anywhere though. I mean somewhere thats specifically for kids. Tbh, my mum hardly goes out. She likes to sit and watch telly. She isnt keeping too well lately (cold and seems to have got a chest infection that wont shift, she is 52, not old). So I should be glad she takes them at all and I am as she has another 2 kids of academy age at home too. The thing is that Jessica hates going there now. I think she is really bored and I think my mum realises it.

As for the other grandparent, oh's mum and dad. They are happy to watch them at their house but again, they never go anywhere with them. MIL was banging on at the beginning of the summer holidays about taking them to Edinburgh Zoo. Last year she was going to take them to Heads of Ayr Farm Park. None of these day trips ever materilised and last week she mentioned taking them to Arran. I had to bite my tongue. Its just Jessica is getting to the age where she remembers these comments.

Im working with oh later today and they are going to mil and fil for the afternoon and Im going to find it hard not to make some comment about sitting in again. They have 2 fancy cars and have had a 10 day holiday to Canada but cant find the way to he Zoo.

On my days off I try hard to do things with them and go places, we went to the transport museum but I just wish on the day that I did have to leave them that I was leaving them to an interesting afternoon.

I just had to rant. I probably seem very selfish but we just dont have the money and fil and mil must know this. My oh is self employed and we have to work hard just for the simple things.
i know its annoying hun but dont worry to much as long as you make the effort when u have them thats all that matters, kids enjoy a trip to the park to feed the ducks just as enjoyable as a day out :hug:
Don't have any advice but just wanted to send you some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm must be originally from near where you live- I am from Dalry and parents are still there.

I used to love going to Millport for the day- especially if you get to hire a tandem! 8)
Do you collect Tesco's clubcard vouchers? We used these to get ourselves annual passes to Legoland (it is only 30mins away from us). You get 4 times the face value of the vouchers when exchanged for things like that. Take a look at whats on the sites you might find something close by that you can get annual passes to without it costing you any cash.

BTW Neither of the Grandparents have Ellie, though that is mainly a distances thing as we live miles from them. Though one of the days we were house hunting, we did manage to arrange to leave Ellie with my parents when they were visting my Gran who lives about 30mins drive from the area we were house hunting in and they were visting Gran the same day.

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