What personality /traits have ur kids got and who r they like?!?
Madison is a complete DIVA she knows what she wants and thats it! She doesnt watch TV at all! like ever!! if ya annoy her (like do anythin lol ) she will point at u and scream "DONT!"
she smacks people across the face and laughs (genuinely havent a clue where she learnt this and its slowly passing thank god)
when u scold her she cuddles u and kisses you
if someone she doesnt like kisses her she turns her cheek cos they getting no lip action
if she takes a dislike to someone she squeals at them i love it cos its usually ppl who i dont particularly like either and i aint telling my child who she likes or not
she is obsessed with bathroom when ur on toilet she hs to sit on potty lmao
ok enough of my diva what bout ur lovely kiddies??!! xx
Madison is a complete DIVA she knows what she wants and thats it! She doesnt watch TV at all! like ever!! if ya annoy her (like do anythin lol ) she will point at u and scream "DONT!"
she smacks people across the face and laughs (genuinely havent a clue where she learnt this and its slowly passing thank god)
when u scold her she cuddles u and kisses you
if someone she doesnt like kisses her she turns her cheek cos they getting no lip action
if she takes a dislike to someone she squeals at them i love it cos its usually ppl who i dont particularly like either and i aint telling my child who she likes or not
she is obsessed with bathroom when ur on toilet she hs to sit on potty lmao
ok enough of my diva what bout ur lovely kiddies??!! xx