Our Kids


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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What personality /traits have ur kids got and who r they like?!?

Madison is a complete DIVA she knows what she wants and thats it! She doesnt watch TV at all! like ever!! if ya annoy her (like do anythin lol ) she will point at u and scream "DONT!"
she smacks people across the face and laughs :blush: (genuinely havent a clue where she learnt this and its slowly passing thank god)
when u scold her she cuddles u and kisses you
if someone she doesnt like kisses her she turns her cheek cos they getting no lip action :lol:
if she takes a dislike to someone she squeals at them :whistle: i love it cos its usually ppl who i dont particularly like either and i aint telling my child who she likes or not
she is obsessed with bathroom when ur on toilet she hs to sit on potty lmao

ok enough of my diva what bout ur lovely kiddies??!! xx
Maisie just smiles constantly especialy at men
she can scream and scream suddenly stop look at you smile, giggle then start screaming again
she grabs my face with both hands for kisses
she always wants the person who shes not with then the moment shes got her own way wants to go back again
shes really shy out of the house and only babbles loads when its just us :) <3 but smiles at everyone unless she really doesnt like them
if she doesnt like someone she'll scream until they leave
peak a boo is the best game in the world :)

Who would have thought at 5 months my lo would have so much personality <3 <3

and aww at your diva. I loev this thread :)
i actually near pished laughing when u said she smiles esp at men!! and yes they have their own wee personalitites so young, its cos os the pics threads of our lil ones i thot be nice to share their personalities xx
Haha, bless her!

Im not even sure I could describe Paige :/ She has to know that you're watching what she's doing and if you're not watching she'll shout at you.

Shes generally hilarious and will do anything to make you laugh and smile, so she's a bit of a joker.

She's got this smile that looks like a caricature drawing. Oh and shes tiny. So far I think a few of the ways people have described her are premature, dainty, petite and of course...my favourite....lean. wtf?! lol

I think I might like this thread :)
lmao lean?!!?! really?!?!? and yeah madison does that too she likes an 'audience' actually my child is pretty uncool she runs at boys making funny animal noises tryting to kiss them smacking her hand like a numpty! lol :D xx
Awww bless both of your princesses!

Drake is such a cheeky boy, he's a lot more hyper than my other two were!

He's so nosy it's unreal, he has a good gawp at anyone and everything.
He don't like long baths
He's not interested in tv but loves music and dances as soon as he hears it!
He likes to copy you, soundwise and facial expressions, it's comical!
He loves nursery rhymes
He's a stubborn boy, i try encourage him to crawl but nope, he sits right back up!
He loves bouncing on peoples laps
He goes in for a cuddle (people or my dog) and says ahhhhh.
He likes to eat my hair
He likes picking his nose!
He has to have a blanket near his face when he goes to sleep
He likes the baby in the mirror and waves and smiles at it :lol:

Think thats it for now!

Cheeky chappy and i love it!
he sounds brill!!!

when madison hugs u she says ahh and pats ya on the back lmao!

and she says sshhh and puts her finger to her lips but then sneakily slides it into her nose for a pik lmao xx
Aoibheann is tv mad , I have to limit how much she watches
she is obsessed with photos and carry s them around pointing people out
She insists every man is dada
if she doesn't want a kiss or a cuddle she will blow into your face when you try
Shes totally obsessed with the tolet and will play in there given half a chance
she still refuses to use a spoon
Oscar is very independant, he knows what he wants and you can't fool him.
He smiles allll the time.
He LOVES certain TV, baby tv and disney junior
He loves scratching my face off lol
He loves his time in front of the tv in the morning before his bath, which he also loves
He loves his naked time in the evening, he gets all giddy lol
He loves talking, he's a right little chatterbox
He LOVES flirthing with all the ladies!!
He HATES having his bum changed and getting dressed, he would be happy to be naked and sitting in his own filth all day lol
He loves being sung to!!
And he LOVES being flown like a plane, he's a little daredevil!!

I LOVE my baby :love:
Don't know how I forgot, but he LOVES boobies (and biting them these days lol) and he will see if all boobies have boobie jooose:shock: Bit embarrassing sometimes lol
Ah the bear is a proper cheeky girl!

- She is so nosy! Like she always finds the 'freak' when we're out and stares at them till they move! Lmao!

- She lovesssss books and when we go to my nans she goes and gets her favourite one and gives it to her and climbs on her lap to read it! It's unbelievably cute!

- She is a complete messer! She always has her hands in everything!

- She has the cutest laugh ever!

- She lovesssss toys and will sit and play on her own for hours!

- She always picks one person a day to have something against and crys at them if they even look at her! Haha it's well funny!

- She's a proper little busy body!

I could go on for hours! Haha x


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