do you tell other people the names you chose?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I don't want my friends to know the names we chose yet. am i the only one who thinks that way? is it wrong not to share it? some people seem to get upset about it - but everyone already knows we're having a boy so we wanna keep at least one element of surprise!
This time i told Brian that we arent telling anyone the names we are thinking of because EVERYONE and their mother have an opinion on the names you pick. Its not so bad if its people you dont know but when it family and friends its sooo irritating.
By telling family and friends our name choices last pregnancy my little girl ended up goin without a name for 3 weeks.
At the end of the day its your baby, yuor givng birth to him so its you and your hubbys choice. :D
Yes we told people our name choices, but we didn't know the sex of the baby. Had we known the sex, we'd have kept the name to ourselves until he'd been born :)
My OH and I have decided on the name for girl or boy (as we don't know what it will be), and we've told people. No-one has said anything bad about it.
the only person was OH's mum and nan, but that was because we where putting nans name as one of alices middle names, and we where not sure if she was going to live long enough :(

we kept it a secret from everyone else.
Well theres a strong line of tradition in my DH's side of the family about naming the kids Finnish friendly names... (Finns are EXTREMELY proud of their have been warned).

So the fact that I have wanted to call the baby a non Finnish name has rocked a few boats... We got inundated with suggestions for baby names from the moment I got pregnant. So I felt that I had to come up with a name so I can say... this is what we are calling it and if you don't like it tough... I tried to say, well we have a few names we like...but we would then get a half hour lecture on Finland the great nation, and the names of people in the family and from Finnish history... :roll:

As it was, I selected a name for Tia, but when she popped out she just didn't suit the name whatsoever, she was just to fair and blonde for the name Raven. :roll:
Laetitia - you are not alone, we didn't tell a soul. Our opinion was that it's much easier to be rude about a possible name, than an actual name.

For example - you say " well we like the names x and x" and they might say "nah, I know a little brat called x" but if you say "we've called our newborn baby boy x", they'll say "that's a lovely name" - everytime!

Also - I didn't really care what anyone else thought, as long as we liked it and it suited our daughter.

Iv Told One Friend & Thats It. Im Not Risking Anyone Else Incase They Name Steal Lol... The Friend I Told Had Her Baby 6 Weeks Ago So Shes Safe :lol: Plus Im Not Telling Others Because Id Have To Slap Them If They Rolled Eyes/Made a Remark/Pulled a Face ...
yeah and the name we chose is quite unusual so we're bound to get some rolling eyes lol! (Kenzo Micah) but i'm sure when the baby is born and they seem him they'll be like "OOOooooooh baby Kenzo! What a cutie!!"
So far, family love the name - I come from a french speaking background and names like Kenzo, Enzo etc. are more common. But here people might find it a bit weird so I'll wait til the baby is born to tell my friends.
I have a big problem with telling people my name choses.... but i feel guilty when people ask!!!

I also regret saying anything on here cos i have seen my name chooses pop up in a few other threads! :(

I love unusal names xxxxx
As Keeley was Keeley-Paige by 20 weeks pregnant by the time i was due everyone had forgotten her name anyways.

We told everyone :lol:
My OH Poped To The Pub Yesterday & Told This Couple Our Name Choice.. The Woman Replied.. "Oh Dont Be So Ridiculous".. :evil: Thats Exactly Why I Cant Be Arsed. How Dare People Comment Like That, I Would Never Ever!
CarlyBaby said:
My OH Poped To The Pub Yesterday & Told This Couple Our Name Choice.. The Woman Replied.. "Oh Dont Be So Ridiculous".. :evil: Thats Exactly Why I Cant Be Arsed. How Dare People Comment Like That, I Would Never Ever!

Bitch!! I hate that!!!!! :evil: if you dont like the name!! DONT COMMENT!! xxx
CarlyBaby said:
My OH Poped To The Pub Yesterday & Told This Couple Our Name Choice.. The Woman Replied.. "Oh Dont Be So Ridiculous".. :evil: Thats Exactly Why I Cant Be Arsed. How Dare People Comment Like That, I Would Never Ever!

:x :x :x
We kept our names a secret until after the birth. I think it is better that way as nobody can say that they don't like your names and upset you or change your mind.
Keely said:
CarlyBaby said:
My OH Poped To The Pub Yesterday & Told This Couple Our Name Choice.. The Woman Replied.. "Oh Dont Be So Ridiculous".. :evil: Thats Exactly Why I Cant Be Arsed. How Dare People Comment Like That, I Would Never Ever!

Bitch!! I hate that!!!!! :evil: if you dont like the name!! DONT COMMENT!! xxx

I really wanna know what name you picked now haha :rotfl:
Keely said:
Keely said:
CarlyBaby said:
My OH Poped To The Pub Yesterday & Told This Couple Our Name Choice.. The Woman Replied.. "Oh Dont Be So Ridiculous".. :evil: Thats Exactly Why I Cant Be Arsed. How Dare People Comment Like That, I Would Never Ever!

Bitch!! I hate that!!!!! :evil: if you dont like the name!! DONT COMMENT!! xxx

I really wanna know what name you picked now haha :rotfl:

Lovella... Pronounced Love-Ella :) x
NO! lol only family. coz when i was about 20 weeks and we were coming up with ideas it used to piss me off when people said stuff like "oh, thats a dogs' name!" etc grr so when we finally decided i didnt wanna tell any1 til she was born.
I told people last time and battled for about 4 months with people saying stupid things like it was unlucky and I was cursing him :roll:

This time, I'm not telling those people and reminding them they were awful last time.

I'm also stuck between telling so no-one else uses it or keeping it secret. I know lots of pregnant people this time and I'd hate for them to have their baby first and give it 'our' name.
I wasn't going to tell anyone last time but I fell in love with the names we'd picked and couldn't resist telling people when they asked! I think it's easier to tell people if you don't know the sex.

I did get a few negative comments, which I found really hurtful - and noticed the same people who'd criticised the name before he was born said it was lovely when he was actually here.

I've said next time I won't tell anyone because I got so upset with negative comments last time, but knowing me I'll get over excited again and everyone will know!

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