Do you support ideals if BNP?

I have been thinking about this poll all afternoon, and wondering if the people who voted yes actually mean it or did it just to provoke debate? :think:

Although I don't think that anyone should be forced to reveal how they voted, I am disappointed that people who voted yes, don't have the courage of their convictions to then admit they did and to explain the reasons why.

On a seperate note, I think we should be proud that we have managed to have an informed discussion/debate about such an inflammatory subject that has remained sensible and adult without becoming personal and insulting (on the whole!)
beanie said:
mary70 said:
so u have no problem with these workers coming from abroad and putting people like my husband out of work and people that have lived here all their lives out onto the streets because we cant pay our bills?

My OH is in the building trade and he loves it when people around him complain about the poles and expect him to agree as he is British (his surname ends in ski, and he loves his Polish roots).

Is he a beanski?
lauramumof2 said:
beanie said:
mary70 said:
so u have no problem with these workers coming from abroad and putting people like my husband out of work and people that have lived here all their lives out onto the streets because we cant pay our bills?

My OH is in the building trade and he loves it when people around him complain about the poles and expect him to agree as he is British (his surname ends in ski, and he loves his Polish roots).

Is he a beanski?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

After just reading through all 17 pages of this debate, that really made me chuckle :rotfl: :clap:
lauramumof2 said:
beanie said:
mary70 said:
so u have no problem with these workers coming from abroad and putting people like my husband out of work and people that have lived here all their lives out onto the streets because we cant pay our bills?

My OH is in the building trade and he loves it when people around him complain about the poles and expect him to agree as he is British (his surname ends in ski, and he loves his Polish roots).

Is he a beanski?
:rotfl: and when I marry him I shall be Mrs Beanie Beanski
Steelgoddess said:
I might join the kkk, those white sheets look terribly enticing... :D

Sharne come on, be serious.

The hats are way cooler than the robes :rotfl:
Steelgoddess said:
I might join the kkk, those white sheets look terribly enticing... :D


Just for you Sharne.... when my friends came over at Easter we had all the parades and people here dress up like this... its nothing to do with the KKK but I had my friends going for ages with it saying they were and they got really upset when Tia came home with little models of them that they do in school... :rotfl: they are actually said to represent penitents too shamed by the crucifixion to show their faces and too ashamed to show their faces as sinners... so nothing to do with the KKK... :lol:

they come in different colours too... so you can pick and choose :lol: blue red black green white... :D
daftscotslass said:
Steelgoddess said:
I might join the kkk, those white sheets look terribly enticing... :D

Sharne come on, be serious.

The hats are way cooler than the robes :rotfl:

We had a halloween Mr Potato head that was a bit suspect looking. White sheet with the eyes cut out. :think:
lauramumof2 said:
daftscotslass said:
Steelgoddess said:
I might join the kkk, those white sheets look terribly enticing... :D

Sharne come on, be serious.

The hats are way cooler than the robes :rotfl:

We had a halloween Mr Potato head that was a bit suspect looking. White sheet with the eyes cut out. :think:

I saw him on the list :?

Mr P Head
The Allotment
Interests: taking of parts of my face and poutting on different ones, hiding under a white sheet, frying and chipping.
beanie said:
lauramumof2 said:
daftscotslass said:
Steelgoddess said:
I might join the kkk, those white sheets look terribly enticing... :D

Sharne come on, be serious.

The hats are way cooler than the robes :rotfl:

We had a halloween Mr Potato head that was a bit suspect looking. White sheet with the eyes cut out. :think:

I saw him on the list :?

Mr P Head
The Allotment
Interests: taking of parts of my face and poutting on different ones, hiding under a white sheet, frying and chipping.

:rotfl: :rotfl:
beanie said:
lauramumof2 said:
daftscotslass said:
Steelgoddess said:
I might join the kkk, those white sheets look terribly enticing... :D

Sharne come on, be serious.

The hats are way cooler than the robes :rotfl:

We had a halloween Mr Potato head that was a bit suspect looking. White sheet with the eyes cut out. :think:

I saw him on the list :?

Mr P Head
The Allotment
Interests: taking of parts of my face and poutting on different ones, hiding under a white sheet, frying and chipping.

Ahahahahaha! That properly made me lol, and now Im having to explain to my OH why on earth we are talking about Mr.Potato Head being on the BNP list. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Magic Monkey said:
I have been thinking about this poll all afternoon, and wondering if the people who voted yes actually mean it or did it just to provoke debate? :think:

Although I don't think that anyone should be forced to reveal how they voted, I am disappointed that people who voted yes, don't have the courage of their convictions to then admit they did and to explain the reasons why.

On a seperate note, I think we should be proud that we have managed to have an informed discussion/debate about such an inflammatory subject that has remained sensible and adult without becoming personal and insulting (on the whole!)

I certainly didnt vote yes to provoke a debate, i purely read the title wrong and hadnt really looked into the facts (which i now have and changed my vote to no) :oops:

I can understand why people wouldnt want to come on here and say why though as its obviously very one sided (understandably) and to be honest, noone knows whos on here. The people that DID vote yes may even be worried about their safety like the ones that were exposed on the list. Just putting across a reason people MAY not be comfortable thats all. I also think its only fair that the people who want to know the reasons why the yes voters voted yes, say who they vote for and why? I'm off to start a another post on that..

On your seperate note, i totally agree that this post has been extremely informed discussion. Ive learnt loads, which can only be a good thing!! :clap:

Claire x
After sitting back and really thinking about this I'm going to hold my hands up and say I've been a bit ignorant to the facts.
I have presumed a lot and you have all come back at me with great arguments.
I therefor say I was wrong to say people from other countries shouldn't be allowed in as why shouldn't they if they are bringing money into the country.
Also I was naive to how the benefit system worked :doh:
I still think there should kick out illegal immigrants if they are up to no good.
After reading through I see how a few of you have said that people are not given the chance to prove they can contribute towards our country by working. Yes this does seem unfair as I am sure there are decent people who are genuine.

By the way I voted unsure although many of you probably though I voted yes lol.

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