do you stick to lying on your left side?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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I try and fall to sleep on my left side but ALWAYS wake up on my back and end up feeling really annoyed at myself because I know your not supposed to but how can you help the positions you get into when your sleeping?!
I don't think it's a massive issue to be honest so I wouldn't worry tooo much about it. They just say its best not to lie on your back as then the baby is resting on organs. But you could maybe try a 'V' pillow to help you propped up :) x
Nope. Always been more comfortable on my right side,:)
I fall asleep on my left but always wake on my rite. They say to avoid the right as there is a major artery there and putting pressure on it will reduce bloodflow to baby. But even with a pillow supporting me I cant see how I can be comfortable lying in the same position all night!
i always sleep on my right side, always have and cant break the habit.
I always sleep on my right side. But I do flit between the left also. I have a big V pillow in between my legs. It is a pain to turn over thou & keep the pillow in a comfy place! Lol xx
I sleep all different ways hun! I mostly fall asleep on my right side. I don't think the way you sleep will do any damage hun xxx
All I've been told is that its not good on your back because of the weight and pressure on you and baby and the baby gets more oxygen when you lie on your left. All my MW said was if you can lie on your left then do it but like you've said we're not expecting to stay sleeping in one position all night every night. I sleep on my right side most nights :p xx
I dont think left or right matters (even tho they say left is better), it's lying on ur back that can be bad.. Womb crushes a major vein when u lie on ur back..
Try a 5ft pillow like I have (great during and after baby... Really helps back etc)
I dont think it matters either personally :p I do remember having a very long ctg at the hospital once and I very nearly fainted cuz I was lay on my back too long :p oops x
I lie on both sides but subconsciously at night get myself stressed if I'm on my right for too long, so wake up fretting and turn to my left! Lol. I hope it's not a big deal. Tbh, mw has never mentioned it and it doesn't say anything in the NHS book they gave me.

Yeah I was told not to lay on my back when I was in hospital..
Its good to know that most of us toss and turn, I think I might invest in a big daddy pillow see if that helps. Thanks ladies xx
I spend most of the night on my left but do go on my right and occasional my back !! still have to fight not to lie on my front miss that sssooo much !!!! xxxx
i actually asked the MW about this a couple of weeks ago and she said your body will move itself when it gets uncomfortable when you're asleep, and that they don't tell us how to sleep, she basically told me to sleep whichever way made me more comfortable. You don't have to tell me twice!
All I've been told is that its not good on your back because of the weight and pressure on you and baby and the baby gets more oxygen when you lie on your left. All my MW said was if you can lie on your left then do it but like you've said we're not expecting to stay sleeping in one position all night every night. I sleep on my right side most nights :p xx

thats what I was told when pregnant, about baby getting more oxygen on your left. When youre in labour if baby's heart starts dropping they roll you on your left to see if that helps. For me he only recovered when I was on my right side :roll: I asked the midwife and she said its only left side for some people. :wall2:

In any future pregnancies Im not going to bother worrying about it and just sleep however Im comfy!

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