Do you make lunches for your OH?

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Well i am going to start... he makes them himself at the moment but he doesnt really put a great deal of effort into it all and as its winter now i think he needs something more nutritioness to keep him going

So i am looking for ideas

Last nights spag bol is good - with a bit of fresh pasta and he warms it up at work
chicken, pasta salad
tuna pasta salad
chicken salad sandwich
ham salad sandwich

Anyone got anymore?
Oh he always has with his lunch

a 9 bar
a school bar fruit bar
a banana
some fruit (either a handful of grapes or an apple)
Get a flask and send him on his way with some home made soup x
mmm GOOD idea :) he LOVES pumpkin soup and that would be perfect for those cold days... a sandwich doesnt seem enough but with a flask of soup, that would be great
I used to do dh's pack up but he usually takes a pot noodle or something quick he can shove in the microwave x
I always cook over what i need so OH can have a dinner the next day its a massive money saver! if i dont he will spend upto a fiver on lunch which is £100 odd a month!
Normally if I cook at least one of us has a meal for the next days, sometimes both of us. We don't have a routine but muddle along and sometimes OH or I make sarnies, or there is left overs. Often one of us has lunch at a work do so doesn't need it. but i like having pickups. when OH was on leave from the navy he used to do me packed lunches every morning, loved it!
OH is self employed and when we're trying to save a little cash I'll make him sarnies so he doesn't have to buy lunch.

My OH gets 2 sarnies / ciabatta's a day with either beef / rocket & horseradish sauce or pastrami & coleslaw or ham salad or chicken salad.

He also gets some fruit and some crisps - usually mini cheddars.

I always pick up treats that are on offer though to pack for him so it might be those mini tubs of jaffa cakes or some apple pies or whatever. He loves his "treats" :shock:

Some jobs he may indeed eat out (cafe / local bakery etc..) and sometimes I go weeks without making him lunch.

He wont take anything he cannot eat with his hands bless him!
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Mmmm Beef, rocket and horseradish ciabatta, i think liam would actually bend me over the kitchen side and show me how grateful he is if i made him that :D
Mine gets 3 ham sandwiches ad a flask of coffee! I did try giving him soup last week, but he spilt it everywhere :wall: think I'll give soup another go on thurs! It really does save loads of money cos otherwise he'd be at maccys or a butty van!
Mmmm Beef, rocket and horseradish ciabatta, i think liam would actually bend me over the kitchen side and show me how grateful he is if i made him that :D

That's the idea - wink wink!

He gets the bestest beef in ciabatta when I want some brownie points LOL

I really need to start it costs a small fortune to take lunch money everyday xxx
Mmmm Beef, rocket and horseradish ciabatta, i think liam would actually bend me over the kitchen side and show me how grateful he is if i made him that :D

hahaha i would bend you over the side if you made me that Fi..most certainly lol!
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Oh you saucy minx! Tattoo this weekend :) Am soooo excited :D

Gilberts coming with me :)
I or Hubby usually do pasta with pesto and rashers as it can be eaten hot or cold
and for sambos I love chicken sweetcorn n mayo , Il cook a few chicken brests on a sunday and make it up and it does us both for a few day

Then use left overs the other days but trying to do more winter dinners now like soup and shepards pie and stuff but find the healthies the dinner the worse on the heart burn lol damn vegetables

Oh I lost track of your tat tread before so what did you decide on in the end?
I am getting a springtime vine on my chest :) Really excited to have it (not too excited about the experience of having it done... but really excited by the final result)

all my other tattoos are symbolic, i have one for my experience with my angel baby, one which shows my love for Liam and this one is like MY tattoo just because it will be beautiful and sexy and very me :)

I like the thought that even if i have no clothes on or if i get forced to wear a librarian uniform, i will have something intrinsically FI :)
Aww that sounds lovely, So you allready got the one for your angle? I thought that was the one you were getting now

All mine are symbolic too and your right its nice to have something for you , at least its a kind of nice pain but you can always cheat and use numbing gel hehe
I actually have some unbelievably good numbing cream from the doctors...

i get it for blood tests and if i phoned them and said that i needed a bloodtest they would give me a whole bunch of it...

so i am wondering wether to do that!
hmmm might be worth it if ya dont like the pain :)

Worth baring in mind I think it depends on how long its gonna take to tattoo it though, I was gonna use some for part of my back piece as I have muscle damage on a spot at the back of my ribs and it hurts like hell to tickle with a feather never mind tattoo but I was advised against it due to the fact I had 3 hour sessions and the cream only lasts 1 hour max so you can end up feeling the pain much worse when the cream wears off

So if I ever get the last bit finnished il have to get it done in small blocks rather than the 3 hours if that makes sense

Worth asking the tattooist its your ex thats tattooing you is it?

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