Do you feed your 1 year old adult breakfast cereal?

Little Rose

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi, i'm sick giving DD ready brek, weetabix and porridge for breakfast so she must be sick eating it.
Do any of you give your toddler adult breakfast cereal and if so, what? DD is 13 months old.


I give my 12 month old weetabix, cheerios, rice krispies or porridge cereal-wise, and she's had one of those since 6 months x
My girl has things like toast and fruit or beans on toast or croissants and yogurt for brekkie but I do sometimes give her coco pops :blush: my mothers horrified face when I told her was funny. I realise it has crazy amounts of sugar but she loves them and it's not often lol. I'd say just pick something you would eat and let her have some. It could just be a treat occasionally if you're worried about sugar or salt levels. (my daughters 21 months)
DS has porridge and weetabix mostly and rice crispies or cheerios occasionally. He's 19 months.
You don't have to limit yourself to breakfast food :) why not some egg? Or toast and cheese or a vegetable purée?
I rarely eat cereal for breakfast as the amount of carbohydrates just Dosent worth it. You can get many more fibers from vegetables :)
Anyway where I am from breakfast food for babies is egg and toast or a vegetable purée or cottage cheese, yogurt, mixed with fruits or purée fruits or any other lunch/ dinner suitable meal :)

Anyway I think of the cereal the adult one Dosent have a hell lot of sugar or chocolate bits or nuts in small pieces etc I don't see why not if your baby likes it and Dosent choke on it?
Yogurt and fruit is a winner in this house. Pancakes are great as well oh and scrambled egg and bacon. My girls usually stealing it off my plate once she's finished hers. Can you tell we're not big cereal people either?
I make different flavours of porride, i buy a big bag of oats as its cheaper than readybrek! And then i blend it with stewed apple, pear, apricots, or mash a banana into it... You can freeze it to, i usually make 7-10 portions and defroat in the fridge the night before, if not porride he has weetabix, or toast, or brioche and fruit!
Weetabix, porridge, rice crispies, cheerios, toast, cornflakes or fruit and yoghurt xx
I make different flavours of porride, i buy a big bag of oats as its cheaper than readybrek! And then i blend it with stewed apple, pear, apricots, or mash a banana into it... You can freeze it to, i usually make 7-10 portions and defroat in the fridge the night before, if not porride he has weetabix, or toast, or brioche and fruit!

That's a rolling idea! I'm making a mental note for when I start working. Time saver in the morning!
Thanks everyone. I'll buy some cheerios and ricekrispie today then. Like August Mum said - it's all about time in my house in the morning. I have an hours drive to work and have to be there for 9 so i'm already up at 6:30. I'll give yoghurt and fruit a go some morning too although that's what I would feed her after her dinner. Perhpas we're stuck in a food rut lol!
I make different flavours of porride, i buy a big bag of oats as its cheaper than readybrek! And then i blend it with stewed apple, pear, apricots, or mash a banana into it... You can freeze it to, i usually make 7-10 portions and defroat in the fridge the night before, if not porride he has weetabix, or toast, or brioche and fruit!

That's a rolling idea! I'm making a mental note for when I start working. Time saver in the morning!

Its great! I couldnt not do it now, it takes minutes to prelare and then i warm it up in the microwave for 40-50 secs, i usually add an extra spash of milk as it can go a bit thick! Lo loves it. :) today he had banana and blueberry xx
My LO is only 8 months and she gets rice krispies with some baby milk x

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cam loves shreddies and cheerios x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.

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