Do I put toys in my 6 months olds cot at bedtime?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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I am trying to train my boy to go to sleep in his cot without rocking him. Should I put toys in his cot for him to play with before he goes to sleep to keep him entertained or is it cold turkey?
i always had toys but shes never really played with them, only used for launching in bad temper! xx
I've only got a teddy in charley's cot. I don't want him thinking toys in cot means playtime but my friend always had toys in her children's cots! x.
i wouldnt put toys in cause as laceys mum said he might associate it with playtime x
I have a few cuddles toys as ella-rose plays with them when she wakes up in the morning :)
ddamn auto correct! cuddley not cuddles lol :lol:
we have a few toys for J but he doesnt bother playing at night time. He knows its bed and therefore sleep. But he loves playing with them in the morning! x you could put a few toys in the cot after hes asleep but more than likely for getting him used to bed time mabye just do it cold turkey?? afte a while you'll probably be able to leave the toys in regardless!
Same as above, noa got a few soft animal toys in his cot, he cuddles one of them when he goes to sleep n when he wakes up in the morning he chatt to them for a bit n then goes back to sleep x
i put a few in but not loads as my friends baby stacked loads of them up and climbed out his cot
yeah i think the opposite lol i dont want her to associate it it with only sleep time cos if she wakens she can amuse herself for an hour or so :) which is invaluable xx
maybe sneak them in once asleep then until she gets used to knowing that you sleep in bed when night time and then when she wakes up there are toys for her to play with!?!? once she realises, then keep the toys in al the time!? its what we dd with J and now he goes to sleep as soon as hes in bed but in the morning he talks to the toys in his bed and plays with them for an hour!! x
haha squeakz same its amazing listenin to them jabbering haha xx
I don't put toys in his cot because toys equal playtime and cot equals sleeptime. I've found that he likes to have a blanket next to him so I've put a knot in one of his blankets and he grips that to sleep with.

Ignore any typos-my iPhone loves to autocorrect :)
I am such a worrier as I wont put any cuddlies in with Ollie in case he ends up squashed with his face against them in the crib :(
He somtimes has a MCFC bear that he rubs over his face when falling asleep then we take it out when he drifts off and in his pram he likes a knotted muslin to play with before falling asleep.
i have a cot tidy which has toys in it and he will have a teddy in with him when i put him in his cot!

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