Do babys slim down once they become more active?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2016
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My Lo is a little chunk! Shes weighs 19 pounds!
She was 7 pound on the dot born. She has 8oz bottles and two meals a day (usually lunch and dinner) She only feeds every 4 hours. No night feeds, sleeps right through.

She jumps in her jumperoo (all about her legs) and can now sit up no problem...shes 5 months old.

Just wondering when babys become more active, is this when they lose some of the puppy fat? It's just crazy to me shes 19 pound already!
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In my experience yes. My baby was only 25th centile born but by 3 months was 95th centile for weight and height. She crawled/walked very late (16/18 months) but really slimmed down after that.
Yeah usually once baby is up running about or even crawling or rolling it makes the difference.

Jackson has always been petite - he didnt have chunky legs or arms, but I noticed he still dropped weight once he started walking. I remember Jackson being 20kg and thinking Jesus thats a full suitcase :lol:

Hes slimmed down now but not sure hes any "lighter" as hes got bigger etc

I don't have an experience as my lo is teeny, but hv did mention that he should be on solids soon as he's just started rolling, sitting up etc and this all uses extra calories... So I'd think it would work the other way too!
My Lo is still small in terms of length....she still in 3-6 months clothing. No time soon of her going into the bigger size shes a little barrel haha!
What age is she? (just saw she is 5 months old so ignore that question)

I have a nearly one year old that's not worried at all, she eats all home cooked and never anything like chocolate or sugar etc and maybe has 1/2 8oz bottles a day.

Shes in 12/18 month clothes.

I know it will balance out when she starts walking etc as that's exactly what it did with my nearly 3 year old, cant remember when but I will guess 1 and a half x
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This happened to both my los. On the 98th centile, but from about 18 months they both slimmed right down. My daughter is now perfect for her height, and mu little boy is on the slim side.
They should do. My daughter is a chunk too. She's crawling now so hopefully she'll start to slow down with her weight gain soon!
My little sister still had some 'baby fat' when she was 6. My mother always was very strict on sweets and biscuits: she only got healthy food in moderate portions. Plus she's always been very active. But she had round cheeks and soft thick 'baby skin' on her hands for a looooong time. She did lose it and now she's a slim 16-year-old. Don't worry as long as your child doesn't eat only sweets, the fat will disappear sooner or later.
My boy was a chunk too and now that he is crawling everywhere and nearly walking he has slimmed down a lot. People keep commenting on how much he has changed. Xx
Well my lo is 7 months and 23lbs!!!! I'm not worried. He is healthy and happy I'm sure once he gets going he will slim down.

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