Nursery twice a week at 8 months - would you?

Trial sessions sound like a great idea. Who knows Galen may love it?

My friend is about to go back to work (her baby is 9 months) and they had this trial period planned for a week (increasing the time the baby would spend in the nursery every day). As it happened her little boy absolutely loved the nursery and ended up staying much longer each day! My friend is all over the moon as she feels less guitly about going back to work now. Maybe Galen being so bright he could develop his social and other skills further.

I hear what you say about having been a nanny yourself. But, I have heard so many SAHMs saying how much better mums they feel (and are) when they have a break from their children (and give their children a break too).

Do what feels right for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ted has been going to nursery twice a week (full days from 8-5pm) since he was 6 months. I was very reticent at the beginning, but needs must and i had to work, i can honestly say it is one of the best decisions i have made. Ted absolutely loves it and has positively thrived. the interaction with other babies and toddlers has been invaluable, he loves being with other babies, he is also very independent and never been clingy, which i think is partly due to having other 'carers' in his life. I also feel his development physically has come on in leaps since going, he has been crawling since just before 8 months and he can now pull himself to stand and plays independently with toys for ages, i swear this is down to watching the other children - modelled behaviour, as it were. I would say go for it, at least give it a try :D
i think go for it. at least go for a trial and see if your mind is made up for you with regards to whether your LO loves or hates it. My niece went to nursery full time from 4 months and is such a social chick, she has lots of confidence, and i have to say gets great food. i'm going back later this year to work part time and will be considering a nursery one day a week for my LO as he will have other children to play with and perhaps will learn things from them if they are older than him.
I think all mums need a break from their kids sometimes, sometimes it makes us more calm and ready to deal with our children who are particularly active like yours (and mine) seems to be.
i hope i make sense, im a sleep deprived mum of a 4 month fusser :lol: :lol:
I think this is a great idea (esp if they are willing to help you with the cost). As you say, it will give you some time for yourself and Im sure Galen will thrive in a nursery environment and hopefully it will tire him out a bot somewhat! The way you talk about him reminds me exactly of my LO. Always on the go and fnever sleeping for fear of missing something!

Maybe try 2 half days a week a see how he goes (and how you feel too).

Good luck :hug:
I know exactly what you mean about letting Galen down because you don't need to send him to nursery. I have a friend who has a 3 yr old now and who had PND. She started her LO at nursery at 7 months,just a couple of sessions a week, before she returned to work as she felt it might help her. It really did in terms of her mental health. Incidentally her DD is now the most gregarious toddler you're likely to meet. She'd probably have been anyway but my friend does credit the nursery for part of it.
Daniel is exactly the same. So when he was around 9 months old we finally decided we will put him in the nursery for exact reasons why you are planning to do that. I am SAHM so there is no need really.

So, we did our introduction, payed for the first month and guess what? After the first day in there he got the most AWFUL tummy bug, we had to go to hospital, he has been vomitting for a week, having diarrhea (sp?) for 3, didnt eat anything for about a week, gave it to all of us and looked like a sceleton in the end of it. He also started to wake up more in the night after that (for extra feeds) and it took him over 3 months to get over it. (I have to say that it was LeapFrog nursery, so they are considered very good. And I am sure its not nursery fault, I think it was just his reaction on being apart, because he neve rgets ill apart from that one time)

So that one time was one and only and it made up my mind that he is not going to the nursery untill he is older even if it is hard for me. Instead I started going baby swimming with him, taking him more to the playgrounds and just moving around more.

But we probaly were just unlucky. So I would say try it out, see how it goes. :hug:
I send Joe to Nursery for 2 sessions a week while Jess is at her big nursery and I am off. I dont have to send him but I want to as it ironed out a few problems I was having with him with regards to his clingyness and it gave him children his own age to play instead of playing with Jessica.

He loves it, he loves going in and calls it the bee house. Its acutally called Busy Bees. It has completely turned him around from being clingy to being far more independant and chatty.

Good luck with your choice.
I put Alex into nursery 1 morning a week from 5mths ages before I went back to work. I think it really helped giving me a morning to myself! We dont have anyone that could look after him for us and He was going to be there almost all day every day when I went back to work.
Even over Christmas when I was on Holiday from work I had alex in the nursery for a few days. I think its really important to give yourself some time!
Alex is now there every day and I think its helping him mix with children and hes always doing lots of different things! Hes always tired when he comes home and has had a fun filled day.
Do what ever feels right! If its not working for you, you can always stop sending your little one!
As you know I have the same problems with Connie as you do with Galen - though luckily she's a lazy moo when it comes to attempting any sort of movement!

I've just enrolled her in nursery one day a week from next week and MIL's having her another day. Otherwise I can see myself going back down the loony PND route.
I had to return to work full time when Rubes was 6 months old, and she started nursery 2 full days a week (my mum and OHs mum share the other 3 days..)

She adores nursery-always has done and I swear it has brough her on leaps and bounds. She is such a bright, clever and confident little girl. Her speech is amazing for her age, she interacts with kids of all ages and it is just brilliant.

I hate leaving her to go to work but knowing she is happy there makes it easier....I get butterflies @ 4pm when I know I am going to get her and I always stand for 5 minutes when I get there and wtch her through the door plying with the others :lol: Her fce when she sees me is a picture, and she chats all the way home about what fun she has had that day

I would highly recommend it :hug:

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