As someone who has a disabled sibling who has genuine need for a blue badge, and all the extra space a disable bay allows, and also as a Mum of one nine month old, personally, I have no issue with this at all. People have babies by choice, and if getting in and out of a car in an ordinary space in a supermarket car park is of such an inconvenience to people with children, I think they need to reevaluate their priorities! Having a child is a choice and people should be able to deal with the consequences. Having a disability is NOT a choice. I would gladly get rid of all parent and child spaces if more disabled bays were needed. Parent and child spaces are a luxury, NOT a necessity and I have to say, I'm a bit flabbergasted anyone would have a problem with this..... Comparing a disabled bay with a parent and child space is actually pretty appalling, not mention insulting, too. Having a child is NOT a disability, and to even compare the needs of these two different groups is pretty shocking. I cannot fathom how anyone can genuinely feel they have a 'need' to park in parent and child space as much as a disabled person 'needs' to park in a disabled bay.
Priorities? If my.husband hadn't been with me on Saturday I'd have to have left my her car seat in the middle of a car park, reversed onto the road bit and put her in there myself. Hardly safe. That's the reason why the spaces are wider!
Getting in and out of a normal parking space with a baby is not an inconvenience but can sometimes be impossible!
I'm afraid I do get annoyed by people who park in those spaces who do not have children or who wait in the car with the children while their partner pops into the shop.
I'm not bothered about them being closer to the shop but the extra space to get lo out is necessary. Park too close to the car next door and you can't get bubba out of the car.
I am undecided on how I feel about a disabled person using a parent and child space. I think it would peev me if I'm honest after all, disabled spaces are provided.
I assure you, it is far greater an inconvenience when you are unable to get your wheelchair out of the car, or in assisting a fourteen stone mobility-restricted adult out of a vehicle. Getting a baby out of a car by comparison is a positive doddle. If you find it 'impossible', yet distance is not an issue, then park in a space with no vehicle on the other side. Parent and child spaces remain a luxury and are NOT a necessity. If they were, they would be required by law, the same way disabled bays are.
Not directed at anyone personally, but I am so shocked and saddened that people here genuinely believe their own needs are greater than that of the disabled, just because they have a child.
Park with no vehicle on one side, go and shop then come back and find someone has now parked next to me and I now can't get my baby back in the car!
I can assure you that I do not believe my need is greater than those of a disabled individual, quite the opposite. It would peev me if they chose p&t space over a disabled space, which I saw just a couple of weeks ago infact. However, if there are no disabled spaces and extra room is needed to get in and out of the vehicle then p&t space is the next best option.
Like you say I think there are those who take advantage, which is a shame.
My biggest bug bear is people parking in p&t and one parent sits in the car with the kids while the other goes into the shop. If you're not getting the kids out of the car then you don't need the extra room! That really does annoy me!!
oooh fines!! I'm liking your thinking on this one!
I have no idea how you think the safety of my child is a convenience!
oooh fines!! I'm liking your thinking on this one!
It would very hard to enforce but the same would apply to people that do the same in disabled spaces (despite my staunch defence of them!). I have seen people I know, who have disabilities, who park in a disabled bay but then thier PASSENGER goes in and does the shop while they wait. Now that, drives me bonkers; they of all people should know better!
Or even better, these are actually restricted parking areas you have to get through a guarded barrier to cross; you have to show your pass, and show you have either kids (of the right age!) in the car for the parent spaces or a blue badge for disabled bays.....
There should be some kind of code of conduct or something.... Or the spaces should be patrolled; I think I'd be complaining at least once a week about someone or other! X
oooh fines!! I'm liking your thinking on this one!
It would very hard to enforce but the same would apply to people that do the same in disabled spaces (despite my staunch defence of them!). I have seen people I know, who have disabilities, who park in a disabled bay but then thier PASSENGER goes in and does the shop while they wait. Now that, drives me bonkers; they of all people should know better!
Or even better, these are actually restricted parking areas you have to get through a guarded barrier to cross; you have to show your pass, and show you have either kids (of the right age!) in the car for the parent spaces or a blue badge for disabled bays.....
There should be some kind of code of conduct or something.... Or the spaces should be patrolled; I think I'd be complaining at least once a week about someone or other! X
Yes, if spaces are being allocated for specific purpose then perhaps things should be put in place to ensure that it is happening.
I think when it comes to this debate, everyone's priorities will differ and there are valid points to both. For example, saying that parents managed before p&t spaces, surely the same could be said for disabled individuals? I guess when there is no other option, you just get on with it and manage as best you can.
I don't this debate is anything new and to be honest I'm not sure there's anything can be done to sort it. Regardless of what could be done, there will always be someone unhappy with the outcome.
Disabled people parking in them I don't have a massive deal with. Although pretty much all of tbethe disabled spaces at shops by me seem to be empty.
What annoys me is people without children parking in the parent and child spaces. It happens far too much by me and annoys me no end. I'm so close to snapping and saying something to someone!
Disabled people parking in them I don't have a massive deal with. Although pretty much all of tbethe disabled spaces at shops by me seem to be empty.
What annoys me is people without children parking in the parent and child spaces. It happens far too much by me and annoys me no end. I'm so close to snapping and saying something to someone!
I know that it's right and I can't argue with that. But I'll be honest it has annoyed me when I've not been able to get the last parent and child space because someone with a blue badge has taken the space.
I get annoyed by the ones who don't have kids, the ones who sit in the car without getting the kids out and my particular pet hate is the ones whose kids are flipping old enough to get themselves out of the car and walk!
Sometimes I think its easier to park at the far end away from everyone else in the hope no one parks beside me!
I agree, well done monkey. I'll down my pitch fork, those two bissims have got me too riled up I'm close to ordering my hubby to start star fishing himself.over a parent and child space at all times at Dobbies should I.require it![]()
I know I'm not answering the question but it's really starting to get my back up people parking in the p&c spaces and not having children. I was waiting for a p&c space at the supermarket last week and a woman snuck in from the side and stole it from me while I was sat indecating to go in, well I waited and guess what ... 2 woman in their 50's no kids in sight ,,,, so I got out the car and asked them why they had parked there and they told me their children (who have to be under 7) are in the shop ???!!!! Bullshit !! Then they asked me why I needed the space ???!
Arghhhhhhhhh .... My hubby knows how much this irritates me. We have a bigger 4x4 car and it's got big heavy doors , I really struggle getting him in and out when cars are sardined in
I agree, well done monkey. I'll down my pitch fork, those two bissims have got me too riled up I'm close to ordering my hubby to start star fishing himself.over a parent and child space at all times at Dobbies should I.require it![]()
Pahaha! Photos please!![]()