Disabled cars in Parent and Child spaces

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Your telling people your opinion Jd...that'd not necessarily 'as it is'. It's your opinion only it doesn't make it right
But a topic of this nature is bound to cause a debate, isn't it? Like I'm bound to see it from a disabled persons point of few because I worked in adult social care for a number of years. And people who have had little to do with disability & more to do with children will see it more from a parental perspective.

If you don't like what's being said then argue your point or stop posting, or report the thread to the moderators if you feel it's really getting out of hand. Unfortunately some people's opinions come across as blunt....that may be just who they are or the fact it's not coming across very well in text
But JD, that doesn't suggest that she would or should park in one. I disagree with the paragraph you have quoted from the op but I can still see she's not suggesting parents use disabled spaces. So no, I don't wonder.

It's a good job you're not going to argue the definition of opinion over 'as it is' because going off what you've said so far, you might end up looking a bit silly.

I don't know why you're so bothered anyway, since you don't even drive. If anything is pathetic, it's arguing over something that has no impact on your life.

Mackmummy do they fine you if you buy two tickets?
The car park is free so you don't buy tickets, which is good!
Yeah tbf there are car parks near me that fine if your not parked correctly in a bay
I've seen car parks around where you have to be all four tyres inside your bay lines or they'll fine you.

I wish P&C spaces were checked the same as blue badge spaces. You get a maternity exemption certificate... How hard would it be to give you a "parent badge" good for up to your child's 5th birthday or whatever? Anyone parked in a P&T space without said badge gets a ticket.
Unless they have a disabled badge. I do think blue badge holders should be okay to park in P&T.

Or, move the P&T spaces to the "quiet" area of the car park. I don't care if it means I have to walk to the store from the other end of the lot, I just want the door space to get my sudden octopus out of his gajillion seatbelts. Xx
This has all got rather heated with lots of different opinions. I don't think there shall be a resolution from this thread so I think it best to close it and we can all move on from it :)
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