Digital test now saying "Not Pregnant"


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Hi Ladies

I just couldn't wait until my early scan tomorrow so i decided to do a pregnancy test to aleast give me an idea if whats going on and the digital test came back "Not Pregnant".

I guess i got my answer. I am no longer pregnant.

I am absolutely gutted but i am now left wondering did i have a miscarrage or was it a chemical pregnancy? Does the bleed i had last weekend count as a period? Do i start using OPK 10 days after the bleed as i normally would? Sorry for all the questions but more confused than ever now
How confusing :( did you have a lot of blood? I'd still go tomorrow just to see what's happening and get advice. So sorry x
I started having brown discharge on friday night. Red blood on saturday morning and light bleedibg until sunday night. Not alot on a pad more when i was wiping. Sorry to be graphic. No clots or cramps. 3 digital tests taken wednesday, friday and sunday all said "pregnant 1-2 weeks" but todays said "not pregnant"
I am very confused. Is there any chance that tomorrows scan could give us good news?
Hey hunni....what time did you take the test? Was it late in the day? Lots of things can make it come back negative... Not sure how far gone you are but if you are very early stages then maybe your wee was but more dilute than the other times?? Xx
Hiya I would still go tomoro to see what is going on they will be able to also give u gd advice if u have mc or had a chemical fingers crossed for you xxx
Sorry to hear that :( I would still go tomo and have some hope, as Jaxx01 said, the test may have not worked for a variety of reasons xxxx
Sorry to hear this! I think you should still go for the scan tomorrow. Sometimes the tests can give false negatives, I know you must be concerned about your bleed. Also when did you do the test? Ha you wee'd alot, as your urine gets more diluted through the day! Good luck with tomorrow xx
Aww thanks for all your advice.
I will keep my appointment tomorrow and see what they say. I took the test this afternoon after drinking a couple of cups of water. Didnt think that would give such a massive change in results. I thought clear blue test were very sensitive and would pick up smallest level of hcg hormones. I thought i was 5weeks 5days along so my levels should be really high.
Still not sure we will get the good news we so desperately want tomorrow but fingers crossed x
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I'm 5 weeks and 2 days today and my 2-3 at the weekend went back to 1-2 today :( I'm in limbo until next Thursday. Fingers crossed for us both x
I had heard that the further on you get sometimes the digital tests cant pick up the really high levels of HCG hormone and can return a negative result. I dont know this for definate as I never done a digi to get my BFP

Good luck for tomorrow will be thinking of you xx
I have my fx for you today (and you for next week Emma) x

Thank you for all your kind words I will let you all know how I get on later x
Good luck, fingers crossed for you...

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