Clearblue Digital???


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey Girlies Me Again!!! Haha... :dance:

Bought myself a clearblue digital test last night and got extremely excited to find out when i concieved... But there was a slight problem..

Took the test and well it came up "NOT PREGNANT!!"
I was like OMG NOOO Way..
I'm 4 days late on my period now aswell so i'm confused!
I Have Had 6 faint clearblue + positives..
Should i disregard the digital.. or take it to heart?
What do you think?

Thank you ladies xxxxx :wave:
I wouldnt read to much in to it hun especially if you have had 6 positive results, maybe make an appointment to see the doc and get him to run a blood test for peace of mind x
I got 'not pregnant' on clear blue digital (how much more does it hurt to see the actual words?!) the same day I got a very dark positive line on a first response and clearly I am pregnant! x x hope you are pg honey x x
I've had a not pregnant on them then 2 days later got a pregnant! That was with my last pregnancy x x
Think it depends how concentrated ur urine is etc...I agree that u should see ur gp 4 blood test xx
A couple of days after I got ' not pregnant' got a 'pregnant' on a clearblue digi, I think it was when AF was 4 days late. This pregnancy I didn't get a positive until 5 days after AF was due, took the cb digi on day 6 and got pregnant 1-2. I agree with comments above, maybe urine was not concentrated enough.

Took a first response this evening i couldn't wait and i got the line i was looking for...

Got my
That has put my mind at rest seeing as i thought all of a sudden i was not pregnant

Sooo Happy...
Will be 5 weeks tomorrow
:yay: Congratulations!

That's the only problem with digis - there are no faint lines to analyse, it's either pregnant or not, and they're not as sensitive as some other tests, so they can say you're not pregnant when you just have low levels of hormones
Great news - ur a week behind me - (well with doc date lol ) x
Woop woop!!! Really please for you sweetie!! So many hugs!


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