

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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0 hels, 30 and pregnant for the first time.
i found out last week. i have worked out that i can be only about 3/4 weeks. Since my last period i had continued to bleed slightly, so that is throughout my whole 3/4 wk pregnancy so far. it is only light, and i have no pain at all.
dr did a blood test, HCG levels were only 38, having another today to compare it. fingers crossed that when i get reuslts, prob on monday, that my HCG levels will have risen somewhat, and not declined....which would indicate miscarrage??
am so scared, has any one else had anything simlar?? i understand that miscarrage may be likely, but am trying to stay so so so so so positive, i feel absolutely great, fit and healthy. keep praying this bleed will subside and i will carry on pregnancy worry free.
sorry to moan and go on,
love hels xx
I don't know the answers - and I'm not going to pretend to - I'll just tell you what I know so far.

I'm 6w4day pg right now - and I have been spotting for nearly a week.

I went to a doc a week ago tomorrow, and they told me it was dry blood at the time, (old blood) and that I should take that as good news - they didn't do an u/s cause it was too early - and all I would have seen is a sac. It would have made me worry more.

They took blood, and my progesterone was low, so they gave me suppositories to take.... since then, i continue to spot.

What color is the blood? Is it brown, pink, orange, or red? How much has been coming out? Enought to bleed out on a pad, or is it only when you wipe?

I've been told it's NOT normal to bleed - 25% of pregnant women do - and 50% of those women have healthy pregnancies... so - I keep hoping I'm in that 50%, and I hope you are too. I go to the doc on Monday to get an u/s...

I had a miscarriage last year - and I am terrified right now!

I know how you feel sweetie, and I will keep you in my thoughts that everything will be ok.

hi Jen.
Thank you so much for you message.
well firstly, the blood is fresh, red. no clots. using pantie liners and there is blood on them, not loads, most blood comes from when i wipe.
been for another blood test, rsults may be back for tomorrow....keeping my fingers crossed that the HCG levels have raised.
how do you feel??? any pain? hope we'll both be in that 50% too. please keep in touch and let me know how you get on.
thanks for your reply.
((hugs)) hels xx
Hi Hels,

I really hope this turns out good for you. I have heard of women having peroids through their whole pregnancy before.

Will be thinking of you.

Stick little bean stick !

I just thought i'd post this message to try and reassure you both a little.

I found out i was pregnant on 15/02/05 and started losing old blood on the 19/02/05 although i was worried sick i did not go to the Dr's until a week later, (a lot of people would say i was stupid but the reson i did this was the same thing happened to me in July 04 and i was sent for scan and blood tests and was told told to go back in 2 days for a further blood test which i did, when i had the scan they said it was either a very early pregnancy or a miscarriage, then when i had my blood tests they said they were concerned it was ectopic so i went back to hospital where i was examined and after i convinced the there was no pain they let me go but said to go for scan on the Mon, i went for this and was told what they could see was irregular and asked me to wait outside the next i knew i was admitted to hospital with a suspected ectopic pregnancy, i have never been so scared in my life, a consultant came to see me and did another scan he told me that he could see the sac but it had a blood clot in it and he was happy it wasn't ectopic, i was kept in to have a D&C as they said i was at risk from infection because it wasn't coming away on it's own).

So this time i decided to wait and see what happened eventually i had to go cos nothing was happening i was sent for a scan where a heart beat could be seen (it was more the sac pulsating than actual heart beat) and i was told i was 5 1/2 weeks, as the Dr thought i was 9 weeks by last period i was asked to go back in 2 weeks to make sure everything was growing as it should be, 2 weeks later i toddled back for scan still bleeding and everything was fine baby measured 7 1/2 weeks but was told still ewarly days i blead for another week after that until it finally eased off, in this time i emigrated to Oz and everything was hgoing fine, i started getting sickness and completely off food i'd had the odd pains which people had told me were stretching pains so i was happy things were going well, then at 11 weeks i had just got home and was making lunch and i felt wet so i rushed to the toilet and there was bright red blood everywhere, i couldn't move from the toilet as it was pouring from me then i lost a couple of huge clots (about the size of a satsuma) when the bleeding finally eased off after 45 mins i got a cup and tub and fished them out of toilet as i'd read somewhere if this happened to keep whatever you can, i was then taken to hospital where the midwife and Dr both thought i'd miscarried but hadn't passed enough tissue for an 11 week preganacy so said they would need to scan me and i'd possibly need a D&C - i was devastated.

The dr turned the scan so we could all see it and started scanning away and to our amazement the baby was jumping around kicking it's arms and legs, even the Dr and Midwife couldn't believe it, he scanned me for ages in disbelief he then asked to check my cervix and to our relief it was closed so i was sent home to take it easy, they then called me a couple of days later and said the stuff i'd passed were just blood clots and not to worry (easier said than done) a week later i had my 12 week scan and everything was fine although bubs was being a bit awkward and didn't want to be scanned lol, the bleeding has now finally stopped after 3 weeks and although i am scared stiff of it happening again, i', hopeful that i will carry the rest of the way without any problems.


Manda and bump 14 weeks

Your story is both amazing and magical. I am so happy for you and i pray that all will continue to go well for you both.

I thought i was pregnant up until yesterday. My periods are normal and regular as clockwork. I had all the normal pregnancy symptoms, then saw this bright red blood, when i wiped myself last night, its still going on, but only when i wipe and is now very watery. I havent taken a test,because i think its going to be negative and a waste of money. I am planning on calling my gp or nurse to have a chat, as something just isnt right.

God bless all of you ladies, i know all will be fine :wink:
When I went to the loo this morning and I wiped there was a small amount of brown old blood. Is this ok? Am petrified that it will be the start of my period or something and I am going to lose my baby :cry: :cry: :cry:
I had this brown bleeding for 3 weeks i would go to your Dr they should hopefully send you to an early pregnancy clinic, thats what happened to me anyway, they say brown or pink blood shouldn't be anything to worry about it's if it's bright red or got clots you need to worry i also had this at 11 weeks and brown bleeding for 2 weeks after and bubs is still fine :D i keep my fingers crossed for you please let us know how you get on

Mand x
hi, im happy to hear that everyone turned out ok. i to have had bleedin which is brown and only when i wipe, its reassuring to hear that i don't need to worry as much as i have been. the doctor has said that alot of women experience this during early stages, but it is easier to believe when it comes from people who are actually experiencing it. good luck to everyone.

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