Different types of scans!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Hey Girls

Well I have finally got my scan date through Sunday 2nd January, it couldnt come quick enough either as the pains in my tummy are getting much worse.

It says on the letter that I am having a transabdominal scan of the pelvis.

I was doing some research and I read that to detect PCOS you need to have a transvaginal (internal) scan ??

So now I am wondering if anyone knew if they could still detect PCOS in a normal scan??

I am getting worried it may all be a waste of time!!

Thanks girls x
Hi Vicky,

I had a transabdominal scan for PCOS the same as yours.

I also had a Chlamydia test because of my pains too, have you had one of those?

Good Luck,

I had a transabdominal scan and they looked at my ovaries, the sonographer told me they could'nt see any cysts so i guess they can tell

Good luck with the scan.
Thanks girls.

Suppose I am just feeling nervous about the scan in case they find something bad but relieved at the same time as something is being done.

I can only guess that if they think they see something then they may refer me for an internal as well.

I havent had a Chlamydia test, doctor booked the scan as he was more concerned about the pains then my disappearing periods, maybe if the scan comes back ok he may ask me to have one done.

I just cant cope with the pain anymore, been a couple of times DH wanted to take me to A&E as I have been doubled over in pain but I told him I dont want to make a fuss ... just hope they can find out what is wrong and end this!!!
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vicky what sort of pains are they?? a friend of mine used to be always doubled over in pain in her stomach and it turned out to be endometriosis? has anyone mentioned this to you? by the way, so that you dont worry, i am pleased to tell you she had her first bubba in May this year :) xxx
If they see something that they want a closer look at they may ask for a Trans-vaginal scan there and then anyway, they did for me, just said, 'go empty your bladder and come back, we'll do it now'.

I finally got a diagnosis of ovarian cysts via scan because I went to A&E thinking it might be appendicitis.

If they are concerned about the pain, Chlamydia is something they should be testing for to rule out!! Chlamydia shouldn't have anything to do with the period being absent, just the abdominal pain.

Best of luck hun.

The pains seem to be generating higher up more in my stomach area rather then lower down its like Sharp short bursts of pain like someone is crushing my insides had this constantly for the past two days and they really hurt. Before this I was getting frequent pains lower down. So confused what it could be.
hope they get to the bottom of it sweetie! its always good when they are investigating because once you knwo what it is you can sort it out and get on with the business of baby making :)


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