

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Does anyone have a dietician and if so what for?? (ie what reason)

Im asking as J has a food intolerance, adn from reading things on here it seemed as though loads of people in a similar boat had a dietician and wondered just how many people it was before i rant at my HV!

CHeers in advance ladies! x
Tegan has a Dietician for her Lactose intolerance i can phone and get her to call me back whenever i like and she sees her every 3/4 months But If i want to go see her i can make an app But theres a long wait xx
Zac had a dietician when he was refusing feeds, and the dietician put him on nutramigen and monitored his progress, she also gave me weaning advice. He has been discharged now as he is tolerating a normal diet. I was referred through my HV, definately ask for a referral! X
Tegan has a Dietician for her Lactose intolerance i can phone and get her to call me back whenever i like and she sees her every 3/4 months But If i want to go see her i can make an app But theres a long wait xx

^^ Same for Henry!

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Cheers girls!! I didn't think I was going crazy!!! Phil and I are gonna fight to get one!!! Our paed is crap and doesn't believe that he has a cma just permanently reflux so ignores EVERYTHING we say..... Told us we should give him breadsticks and his reaction was exactly the same to that of cows milk....but then everyone thinks were making it up so want to see a dietician to work with us. If for nothing else to supplement his his dairy free diet with alternatives..... And it seems as well that a lot of you have been told not to try the thing that makes them intolerant til at least 1??? We kept geTting told to keep trying it on him every month........ Tbh so far iv refused to and told minor lies as my brother had an inolerance till 2 ish.....ok.... That was a ramble.... Thanks for your experiences though!! I spose will let you know what happens on weds 11am XX
Good luck Hun! i've been told Not to try reintroducing it until 1 But to try stuff containing soya to see her reaction she seems ok with that so far? are you struggling with weaning dairy free? i am! xx
I too would like a Dietician! Our GP says she is allergic to cows milk protein and she is on special formula and we've been advised to reintroduce it when she's 1 but we've not been offered any advice for weaning.

We're seeing the paed on 9th May so I think I'll ask about seeing a Dietician too.
Well we haven't been given any advice about anything really!! We got told that we should try him on foods every few few months and I remembered you guys saying that its at least 1 before reintroducing food. Weaning is difficult. I suppose if we don't know the extent of it does it mean he can't have milk stuff at all or can it be allowed in food. Tbh we just staying away altogether but its surprising how much food it finds its way into! Specially if he has the gluten intolerance. Our paed was rubbish. He went to hosp at 3 weeks as he stopped breathing due to his allergy as it made his stomach swell and push on his lungs, but in hosp they said it was just reflux. Now whenever we go see the paed its not on his record he has cma just that he has reflux which he doesn't!!!! Hoping a dietician can at least help with the weaning thing, as we wanna ensure he's getting all the good stuff outts milk without having it!

Cheerd ladies x
Good news girls!J has put his weight back on which is good! He's now 18lb 3 at 28.5 weeks and we're getting referred to a dietician!! So I'm really happy!! Thanks for your advice!! X
Glad your being referred Hun! x
OMG! Henry must be tiny! He only weighs 15lb 7oz and he's 27 weeks! It's going to be a struggle getting any fat into him now he's being weaned and not allowed and dairy....anyone got any suggestions?? He's milk intake is dropping and he only put on 1.5 oz in two weeks :(

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Is he on meat or fish? How much food does he take??? J takes 4 7oz bottles plus 3 meals: each meal is the equivalents of one small jar and this is what we were recommended and also snacks in the day like rice cakes or vegs etc....have you tried carby food as well? You might just have a small lo, or he might have a growth spurt soon and shoot up.... j will be seven months two weeks yesterday x
Tegan is 25 weeks and 14lb 13oz so another tiny one! how big was henry at birth? Tegan has also decide she doesn't want her milk anymore she only gained 5oz in the last 16 days.
does he eat well? Tegan seems to be loving food i make her lots of things with meat and potatoes in and she's having lots of finger foods xx
He was 7lb 12 at birth. He eats everything, 3 meals a day, loves all his fruit and veg and now enjoying chicken and fish, he also has toast, rice cakes and veg sticks for snacks, but he's only having 4, 5oz bottles a day, I try and put more in breakie to make the amount up!
He seems happy enough, just hope he starts putting on some weight soon!
Oohh forgot that he's on soya yougurts as well now! He loves them, planning on trying eggy bread next week.
I've decided to start trying dairy in small doses over the next couple of months, he's fine with soya, next stop eggs, then maybe a bit of cheese, then just wait and see if he reacts. I'm getting so many conflicting opinions, I've decided to try it my way !!

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We saw the dietitian for Ella yesterday as Ella has a cows milk protein allergy and so basically can't have dairy. She was very helpful but I'm still struggling to get Ella to eat more 'normal' food - she only seems to want Ella's kitchen, baby cereal and rusks....and chocolate :shock: although she can only have a tiny bit.
If he has a healthy balanced diet then dont worry about his weight. The only reason wev ever been worried was when he lost twelve ounces in two weeks.... j is the same annie.....what did your dietician advise......x

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