A little advice regarding weaning - how to do it??

i think it depends where you look for advice tbh because i have this website which goes through the timeline of advice for weaning and it says currently "The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition reviewed the literature on complementary feeding for healthy term infants in 2008 and recommend that:
Exclusive breastfeeding for around 6 months is a desirable goal
Weaning onto solid foods should begin by 6 months but not before 4 months
Breastfeeding continues throughout weaning particularly the early stages
Introducing gluten* between 4 and 7 months while breastfeeding may reduce the risk of coeliac disease, type 1 diabetes and wheat allergy
High allergen foods such as egg and fish do not need to be delayed until after 6 months as there is no evidence that this will reduce the likelihood of allergies

It also says here is no har in weaning before 6 months however potential harm in starting to wean after 6 months. Thats from the british dietetics association with advice on weaning.

I heard them talking on the radio a few months ago that they're thinking it should be 4 months and it was in the news too, it was saying that milk may not give all the nutrients baby needs after 4 months. Just adding in what i've seen :D

Very interesting how that differs from the NHS guidelines!

Jeez its a minefield of info out there isnt it :shock:
Also note that the information given above is 2008, there have been many advances since then

the piece of advice that really stood out for me, was that when your child is ready for food, they will be able to pick up a piece of banana/toast/rusk or whatever, and put it in their mouths and eat it, they will also be able to sit up fairly well to avoid choking.

we dont need to follow massive minefields of guidelines or whatever, we just need to follow what nature intended, we eat food when we are ready, trust yourself, not a packet or whatever :)

(which for most babies tends to be at about six months :) )
oh of course!! and with J he very much wasa ready for that at 4 mths.....and not to introduce 3 solid meals a day and that be that! he still has milk as his source of nutrition but we will now give him a little baby rice, and he will sit in a high chair and if you give him the spoon he will put it in the mouth, my main point with the link above was to highlight the fact that there are different theories out there, parents are told and have available to them so much conflicting information to them and that i also believe that parents will know when an appropraite time was to begin the weaning process. We just felt that j was ready to start a very slow process in allowing him to eperience a different texture, to get him accostomed to using a spoon etc etc and wanted some form of advice on how to go about it ........

im early weaning she so ready for it im going to make/puree my own tho so i know what in it i think it depends on the baby and also if your bf my elder child was weaned at 3mnths as was recommended back then i think advise changes so much it better to trust your own judgement

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