Did you find out the sex of your baby??


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2006
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It seems the norm now to find out whether your having a little girl or boy. I chose to wait, its been hard and ive had so many opportunities to find out but ive managed to resist this far.

I have another scan on Thurs (growth scan) we could find out then but ive gone this far without knowing i'm sure a few more weeks wont hurt!!

Just wondered what you ladies chose to do??
I found out as I'm so impatient and I'm really glad that I did! We're team blue xx
We didn't find out. I wanted a surprise and we already have a girl and boy, I have no preference on sex. Just want a healthy baby!! And I love lemon and white on babies, so got everything in those colours!

Think it'll be nice to ring after the birth and tell people the sex, rather than just announcing the baby has arrived!!
We didn't find out and I thin it was the best decision for us. I do get weak moments when I wish I could find out but as soulem said, I'm looking forward to telling people if it is a girl or boy when he/ she is born.

Also I have a major spending habit so it has stopped me going completley out of control :lol:

Alex x
We paid to have a 4d scan privately to find out the sex cos they won't tell you at the NHS scans up here.

I'm really glad we did cos I feel a lot closer to him, and it's made it all seem more real since we found out. OH has said too that the 4d scan was when he really felt like he bonded with the baby. He was a bit distant about it all until then. Obviously seeing the baby in 4d played a part in that, not just finding out the sex.

I think it's been good for James too. I think knowing he has a brother, and what he's gonna be called has helped him to get used to the idea.
I didn't find out, I thought it would be like peeking at my Christmas pressies before Christmas day!
I found out because a) I'm impatient, b) it made the whole thing more real c)i'm sexist when it comes to colour choices

and I also had always said (before i'd found out i was preg) that i wanted a girl first... i think if i'd not known and had ended up with a boy i'd have felt guilty! So i wanted to know to prepare myself...

although in the end all i wanted was a healthy baby!
We haven't out and had no intention to until a couple of weeks ago when we both realised we'd quite like a little baby girl. We've got a 4D scan booked in May, but I think we are going to wait until the birth. (We've come all this way not knowing so a coupe more months won't do any harm - I guess!)

We did find out and although i dont regret my decision this time i would try and be team green next time.
we found out but i was bullied into it! glad we did though because if I'd have stayed team green I would be convinced it was a boy... I'm team pink!!!

We didn't find out because the mean NHS up here won't tell you in case you sue them :evil:

If we'd had the option I would have found out - I open Christmas presents then seal them up again, I'm just not the patient sort :rotfl:

A lot of people have said this is better as it doesn't spoil the surprise. I can't see anyone being disappointed at the birth of their child because they already knew what the sex was - "Oh, no, I'm not fussed, could you clean it up a bit first? It's rather gooey. Yes, we already know it's a boy. :bored: "

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm full of admiration for the people who don't want to find out - how can you stand choosing not to know! A whole level of self-control that I don't have.
like a lot of the other ladies have said - i found out bc i'm really impatient but it has MAJORLY helped me bond with him. when i found out he was a boy, i just felt totally elated, couldn't stop smiling for days :D we named him shortly after that bc now he is a little person :)

i would find out again, there's no way i would be able to wait :rotfl:
I found out and i'm very glad i did, i'd have continued thinking she was a boy of we hadnt. Plus i loved seeing her again and even baby daddy said it helped him bond.
I also really wanted to be able to buy little pink dresses or cute blue outfits. I'm happy, though i do think how amazing it would ave been if i didnt no and they'd said she was a girl, id have been so shocked
I found out.

Like BabyBee and Kalia, I am WELL impatient and can't even manage to wait for birthdays or Christmas, so I had to know as much as possible as soon as possible.

It wasn't a HUGE surprise for us though because we strongly suspected she was a girl from the outset.

I'm glad I found out. I like to think of her as "Connie" and to talk to her like she has an identity.

I would find out again next time.
We wanted to find out but at the anonmly scan babe was right under my belly button and laying awkwardlyso they couldn;t tell. I had another scan to measure the growth and we decided before hand that we didn't want to know.

I've bought everythng I need for babe now all unisex, which now I think about it, makes sense because when we have another one, we can use everythig all over again.

Besides, I think if I did know if it was a boy or girl I;d go way over the top buying clothes and stuff, whereas, I;ve kept it to the minimum until babe pops out!

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