Haha, great thread! I didn't shout at my Husband, I did shout a bit at the midwives/doctors though.
First time they kept fiddling with my epidural as it wasn't working and I would much rather have just got on with labouring my way without trying to stay perfectly still in the throngs of labour. So I yelled at the to get off of me. Then nobody believed me that I was ready to push under an hour after being 4/5cms dilated. So they kept telling me not to and that I could hurt me and the baby but anyone who's ever felt that overwhelming urge knows just how hard it is to stop pushing! So I spent half an hour 'not pushing' with the odd push, then my midwife checked me, barely got the tip of her finger in me before she felt the head... I was like "SEEEE!!!!!"
Second time around was much the same thing, I'd told my midwife before things got crazy that my first daughter came quickly once labour had established, she was like "yeah, yeah we'll see". 6cm to birth in an hour and a half. I didn't tell her until I was crowning though.