Did I have a mmc?


May 21, 2013
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Not sure where to ask this, hope this area is ok. I have asked in a different room but not really getting a response and my mind is going in to overdrive.
About three weeks ago I started feeling nauseous, mild cramping and lower right side tummy pain. Around ten days later I had some watery light brown discharge when I wiped followed by red watery discharge that would have been my period and this lasted a day. Hardly any blood got as far as my pad (sorry if tmi). The next day, nothing, it just all stopped and now, a week later, still nothing.
Do you think the weird light brown watery discharge could have been the plug? And then followed by a mmc? I heard that the plug starts to form the moment implantation takes place.
I just wish I knew what had gone on. I still have lower back ache, lower right side tummy ache, headaches, cervix aches a lil bit still and boobs tingle occasionally. I'm definitely not pg, have done loads of tests and all neg. Could this be left over hormones making me feel this way?
I'm to go back to Drs in couple of weeks and a possible referral for a scan to get to the bottom of all this, presumably to check my ovaries & surrounding area is all ok.
Meanwhile, I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this, thank you.
Also, can I just add that I had a follow up colposcopy a few months ago after showing abnormal cells and I was given the all clear. I'm hoping there aren't any abnormal cells in my womb/ovaries as I know a colposcopy can't pick these up. So I don't know whether that is a possibility too. Thanks for reading.
I'm a bit confused by the question sorry Hun. Are you saying you had a positive pregnancy test and then bled? An mmc is when you have definitely been pregnant, all seems to be progressing and then it is discovered at a scan that the baby stopped growing and passed away, with no signs such as blood. Mmc stands for missed miscarriage, as it was missed due to no obvious signs.
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No worries robyner, I'm confused too and not too sure what went on. I didn't test till last week or so and they have all been neg. I guess I'm just being paranoid. After displaying pms symptoms that aren't normal for me I started to wonder if they weren't pms related but instead pg related. I'd only ever had nausea, one sided tummy cramps when I had been pg. Maybe it really was all pms but a very strange one? I don't know. I do know something isn't quite right and worrying as to what it is. Thanks for your message x
I've had a couple of very strange periods too, so I know what you mean. We were ttc for a while and one time really thought we had done it. I had actual morning sickness and other pg symptoms but never tested positive. I had a period that only lasted 2 days that time which was unusual for me. I had a normal period the month after though.
They really do mess with us don't they? I wasn't ttc so I don't pay attention to any pms symptoms but certainly couldn't help noticing the difference this month. I usually need a pad and never get the strange brown jelly-like discharge :-/ sorry that was a bit tmi but don't know how else to describe it. Also, right before I had that, around an hour before, I had the most strangest feeling. Tummy and lower back seemed to contract quite painfully. Just don't get it x
Mmm. We're you due on around the time this happened then?
An mac is where ur baby dies at some point but ur body continues to think its pregnant ive had 2 my babies died at 5 and 8 weeks but my body continued to think all was ok giving me symptoms still and sac grew still but the baby didn't and most woman dint even know its happened till there 12 weeks scan, it's impossible to say what's happened without a positive preg test xx
I can't pin point when I was due on because although I have regular periods, I don't keep track of them. I'm assuming the day I had a bit of bleeding was the day I was due on, maybe either side of this by a day or two. It was bright red blood but kind of watery and only when I wiped. There was the smallest amount of tissue (womb lining?) on one occasion. I can't describe the pain other than a contraction that gripped me all round my lower tummy and back. I've not had this happen before with a regular period and I just wish I knew if it was a freak af or something happened x
I hear you Jojo. Maybe it really was a complete freak one. Or maybe I have underlying problems that are nothing to do with af. Hopefully, if symptoms persist and I have a scan, it might shed some light. After the pharmacist highlighting that a colposcopy only shows problems with the cervix, my mind is now beginning to wonder whether there is something more sinister going on further up with my womb. I had cin1 but got the all clear. Anyway, going off on a tangent. Fingers crossed if it is/was af/pg related something will show at scan x

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