Not sure where to ask this, hope this area is ok. I have asked in a different room but not really getting a response and my mind is going in to overdrive.
About three weeks ago I started feeling nauseous, mild cramping and lower right side tummy pain. Around ten days later I had some watery light brown discharge when I wiped followed by red watery discharge that would have been my period and this lasted a day. Hardly any blood got as far as my pad (sorry if tmi). The next day, nothing, it just all stopped and now, a week later, still nothing.
Do you think the weird light brown watery discharge could have been the plug? And then followed by a mmc? I heard that the plug starts to form the moment implantation takes place.
I just wish I knew what had gone on. I still have lower back ache, lower right side tummy ache, headaches, cervix aches a lil bit still and boobs tingle occasionally. I'm definitely not pg, have done loads of tests and all neg. Could this be left over hormones making me feel this way?
I'm to go back to Drs in couple of weeks and a possible referral for a scan to get to the bottom of all this, presumably to check my ovaries & surrounding area is all ok.
Meanwhile, I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this, thank you.
About three weeks ago I started feeling nauseous, mild cramping and lower right side tummy pain. Around ten days later I had some watery light brown discharge when I wiped followed by red watery discharge that would have been my period and this lasted a day. Hardly any blood got as far as my pad (sorry if tmi). The next day, nothing, it just all stopped and now, a week later, still nothing.
Do you think the weird light brown watery discharge could have been the plug? And then followed by a mmc? I heard that the plug starts to form the moment implantation takes place.
I just wish I knew what had gone on. I still have lower back ache, lower right side tummy ache, headaches, cervix aches a lil bit still and boobs tingle occasionally. I'm definitely not pg, have done loads of tests and all neg. Could this be left over hormones making me feel this way?
I'm to go back to Drs in couple of weeks and a possible referral for a scan to get to the bottom of all this, presumably to check my ovaries & surrounding area is all ok.
Meanwhile, I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this, thank you.