Did I experienced Morning Sickness????


Active Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Hi everyone,

Did I experience mornign sickness?

I woke up as normal but snoozed a little, when i managed to drag myself out of bed i went to the bath room, and then a sickly feeling came over me quite quick. I found myself pacing backwards and fowards between the loo and the sink as i really thought i was going to barf.
I also had trapped wind (Sorry) so was bent double with tummy cramp too, to make matters worse.
I was in the bathroom for about 15min in total with this sickley feeling, i went really hot and was sweating too. I also went really white and lost all the colour in my face. I felt fine after that and have been fine all day since.

Was this morning sickness, is it quite normal for it to only last about 15 mons or could it have bee something else????? Wasnt the pleasenest 15mins of life lol.

FYI im 6 weeks gone.

Sorry, forgot to state that I wasnt actually sick but really felt like i needed to.
This sounds like my morning sickness. Suddenly I'd feel really sick and do a lot of dry heaving (pulled a rib in my muscle one time and put my back out another time). I was a little bit sick but nothing compared to the amount of heaving!

After that I would be fine for the rest of the day!
what sort of time scale would yours last for? x About 15 mins for me, or is it all different?
Yes - it was quite similar for me. I'd then leave the house for work and walk up the road to get the bus feeling a bit peaky but by the time I got into work, I'd feel fine again.

I don't know why I'm talking about it in the past tense - it's still happening occasionally!
That probably was. Did you feel like you were going to pass out? I had that at the weekend.

It it differs for everybody. I feel sick most of the day at the moment. So far I have been sick 3 times today. I thought I was doing well yesterday afternoon as felt ok, but then was sick at about 8pm.
Yes this morning i felt terrible, def thought i was going to pass out, especially when i went all hot and sweaty :-(
Same again tomorrow then eh? lol

sounds like it Hun, some times low blood pressure can do it, if you stand up too quickly and feel faint, or just plain feel faint, (sometimes low blood pressure) then you may get waves of hot come over you, and then you get the sick feeling.

Hope you don't get it too much or too bad
try having a couple of plain biscuits before you even put our feet on the floor x

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