Did Folic acid upset your tummy?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I took folic acid about a year ago when i first started to try to conceive how ever it compleatly upset my tummy giving me very bad gas and a very loose tummy.

I have recently found out that i am pregnant i think i am 11 weeks, i have my very first drs appointment 2mro, im really nervious as once ive got the drs word i am going to have to tell my parents who arnt going to be pleased. scary. There quite traditional in my eyes it comes across like it should be marriage, good jobs, own home, babies. They were 30 when they had there first.

Any way i didnt want to wait till my appointment as i had to wait a week, so i started taking folic acid again, it has basically stopped the headaches that i was getting and i was constipated but now it has loosened me up but it feels like my tummys becoming upset again.

Did anybody else have this problem, i suffer with IBS so my tummys very sensitiveness to sertain things.

If your dates are correct then I wouldn't bother with folic acid, it's only important in the first 12 weeks :shock: :shock:

I took a really high dose (5mg as opposed to the usual 400mg you buy over the counter) and my tummy was fine!

Shame that you didn't carry on with it , I agree not worth it now as only have a week before your 12 weeks anyway, I hope it may just be that your diet was really high in folic acid anyway and that's may be why your somach couldn't except even more . All the best xx
I found that it mad me feel queasy so I started to take it at night before bed. My mw said I should keep taking it but I said to her I thought it was only taken until 12 weeks so still on it but do miss the odd one or three days lol xx
If you don't want to rake the tablets then ovaltine contains you recommended dose of folic acid
I stopped taking it because it was making my tummy really unwell and had a lot of gas in public that was embarrassing. I took it.for a while but it didn't seam to help me get pregnant so is stopped. I got pregnant about 9 months to a year after stopping and had a negative test at first didn't think to do another one as it took my over a year I thought I couldn't have children. It has helped with head aches n back aches tho so must have be doing some good. Drs 2mro anyway so I will see what advice I get. Thanks for replying
Hun the folic acid wouldn't help you get pregnant, its a supplement that helps the development of the central nervous system, so its good to take it if you can in early pregnancy (as the girls said first 12 weeks) but you do get it from your diet and plenty of people that don't take it have a healthy bubs. The ovaltine is a good suggestion as an option, I never knew that!
I know it doesnt help you get pregnant bit I read it was good to take and have in your system when your TTC, and it can sometimes balance things out which gives you more chance of concieving. I went to the drs this.morning Anyway and she advices me to take pregnacare.instead so hopfully that will agree with me more.
I have IBS too, this will be a laugh when I need to start on iron again lol xxx
I know it doesnt help you get pregnant bit I read it was good to take and have in your system when your TTC, and it can sometimes balance things out which gives you more chance of concieving. I went to the drs this.morning Anyway and she advices me to take pregnacare.instead so hopfully that will agree with me more.

Yh a couple ppl I know gave been told to rake it while trying too as both docs said it will help create a suitable environment for a baby to grow and then to rake it also when preg to help baby development

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