Did anyone watch ......


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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...Honey I suckle the kids?

Was all about attatchment parenting, co sleeping, toileting by not using nappies from birth, breast feeding till 5years, home schooling etc etc was really interesting too!

I think the only thing I had a real problem with was on one occasion a little one had pooed on the floor and they were almost praising the child!

Basically one or both of the parents gave up life as they knew it to become full time parent/s and were with their kids 24/7 literally!

They promoted co sleeping, not diciplinning the kids in the traditional way breast feeding, home schooling and letting the kids pretty much choose what they learn.

So was just wondering if anyone else watched it and waht you thought?

I agree and would like to try a lot of it but some of it is a bit too extreme for me...xxx
I saw it too. Admirable how they do what they do, and all that. However, carrying your child around like a baby at 4 years of age and non diapering (as amazing as it was) was a step to far for me. I don't think it is as awful as they made out to put baby in a cot or a pushchair. I also see where the dad in america was coming from saying that non schooling may not prepare his daughter for the big wide world. Seems his wife was going to do what she wanted regardless lol.

I did laugh when that woman was in the shops and called all the toys "neglectifyers" lol. Bit extreme. But she had a point that just about everything in the shop was a replacement for mum eg bottles/dummies etc.
this programme sounds interesting. I wish I watched it. How on earth do they manage no nappies from birth? Does the baby just pee in his clothes? Do they bath them everytime they pee? Do they have carpets in their house??!?!
yeah totally agree Ajayne some of it was made out to be torture wasnt it but yes that american mother carrying that 4 year old in a sling...thats just not right imo....xxx
Hey tiny it may on catch up somewhere if you have it...

They basically take their baby to the toilet, potty or just right where they are up to 35 times a day and make a psss psss noise to the baby will eventually associate psss psss with needing a wee/poo!

They just do that all day and then if an accident happens oh well lol! Thats the bit I found strange....but each to their own I suppose ehh...

It was facinating tho and I think you have to be very patient to fully commit to this type of parenting!

We planned on moving to the sticks a while ago before we got pregnant so when we did we discussed home schooling too...not decided on anything as yet as we havent sold our house yet but that is an option for us in the future.

Will also be teaching baby to sign as well as baby led weaning! Terri has a great thread in here somewhere with lots of info on co sleeping and alternative parenting....if your interested in anything like this its worth looking at lots of great advice and info in her posts....xxx
we're going to be baby signing too :yay:

Potty training a baby from birth must take heaps of dedication.

When I did a community panto a few years ago there were 4 sisters who were home educated. Their parents had taken them travelling round the world and I have to say out of all the kids in the company they were the most sociable, confident and emotionally mature. More so than some adults IMO!

I would love to home educate our LO but theres no way we could afford for me not to go to work.
Baby signing is something I'm wanting to try this time and BLW sounds like common sense to me though all my babies have been very late weaners and don't show much interest in food til at least 6m anyway, so it's something that we'll just go with the flow with.

I don't think Id do home schooling.... unless... we bought a camper van and travelled Europe, in which case I would. It's something we would love to do, but that's our "dream" rather than a likely reality.

I still don't recognise Oscars "Wee face" lol so I'll give Elimination Communication a miss if it's all the same loool!!
:rofl: 'wee face'!!! I havent noticed that one either. There is a definate poo face though!
oh ladies.......... its repeated tonight on living at 6pm then living plus at 7pm......xxx
Yay just set my sky+ for it shame I missed a few mins x

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Ahh its on virgin Tiny??

Ah good Evie its quite an eye opener to the more tradtional parenting most people practice...xxx
I've got it recorded just going to watch it now x

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Bloody great it said it recorded it and it recorded my fake baby!?!?

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Nope I've had a look :(

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we tuned in to watch it and it was My Fake Baby too - which we watched a few minutes of before turning it off because it was dark and weird and horrid!
I make them babies haha!!
But yea they r like marmite love or hate lol!!
I know I was gutted!!

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Ah really....thats a shame coz it was pretty interesting!! Oh well....maybe it will be on again in the future sometime xx

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