Did anyone feel like this just before labour?


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hello everyone, I am currently 38 wks + 3 days with my first baby. I have a good pregnancy, with no morning sickness, normal blood pressure etc.

However for the last 4-5 days I have started with really bad nausea 24/7 and some vomiting. I am off food, only really wanting biscuits and toast. I have been feeling generally crappy, my body is aching, having headaches and feeling very sore in the pelvic region. This is compared to last week when I had my burst of energy and ended up decorating the living room!!

I have also been suffering with some swelling, my feet get so huge they dont fit in shoes and when I wake on a morning my face is huge and my eyes are puffy. Went to the dctors yesterday and had my BP and urine checked to make sure no signs of pre-eclampsia. They were normal, but I am seeing midwife tomorrow to be on safe side.

My question is, did anyone else feel like this at the end? And how soon after did your labour start.... thanks
i know i'm not as far along as you, but i'm proper off my food. i can't finish a meal & i've been living off chocolate hob-nobs, so i can relate to that part!
iv heard of ppl getting like this in late 3rd tri, due 2 rising hormones preparing 4 labour,
hope u will soon b holding ur LO but until then make sure u rest lots

take care xx
I didnt have anything like that with my others but everyone is different!
Im glad your getting a second opinion though about the swelling! That cant be normal!?! :think:

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