Developmental Milestones


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Hi Ladies,

I have a few questions about what milestones happen when iyswim?

My HV said for jabs go by his age from when he was born ie he is now 4 weeks old (on thurs) but still not due for over a week but when he is 8 weeks to have his jabs.

She also said though that for smiles/walking.talking etc to delay it and thats what they will do with all developmental checks.

Does anyone have any experience of this? Just feels bit of a minefield. Is there a rule of thumb for which things get done at certain times as she also said we could treat him like any newborn......xx
Developmentally they will be somewhere inbetween their actual age and their corrected age so say the average term baby smiles at 6 weeks but a baby born six weeks early may smile at 4 weeks from their due date (10 weeks actually age) and generally you have to 'correct' their age until they are two when things even up then. But until they are two expect them to be a little behind. not always, and depends how preemie they were. X x

My Seb was 6 weeks early, most of his milestones so far have been inbetween, so 'late' if counting from his birth date, but 'early' if counting from his due date. For example he smiled at 12 weeks (6 corrected), so 12 weeks would be late but 6 weeks would be early. Things like jabs though, and developmental checks, are counted from the birth date. And some things are different, like weaning is recommended from 5 months, not 6 like it is for a full term baby (though Seb is having none of it yet!)

If you're confused, speak to your health visitor - loads of our conversations include me going 'actual age or corrected age?!' As Toni said, the older they get, the less it matters that they were early :eek:)

Ive got into the habit of saying he's x weeks old, x weeks corrected, as it gets so confusing.

If he was 6 weeks early his age will be corrected till he is one

All developmental checks etc will be based on his corrected age.
Ok so is there a rule of thumb as in outside factors they go by theyre birth agw but developmentally they go by corrected age. Oh and corrected age is working it out from his due date isnt it........atm g still isnt due so what is he?! Haha thank its really helps..... x
If he's still not due, he's still gestating! You said he's due in a week, which would mean he's 39 weeks gestation.
I mean hes here and born but hes not sposed to be due till next week x
Hey hunny, it is confusing, jabs are at actually age yes, but development wise all prem babies develop at their own pace, which is not always in line with their corrected age, although it obviously can be. My lo is now 6m (or 26w+6), corrected to 21w+5, currently he can roll belly to back but not back to belly, he doesn't sit or play with his feet or babble, but he is weaning really well, he laughs smiles and is teething. Your lo will develop at their own pace, premmie a are said to fully catch up by the age of 2! X x
Ok so basically I count him currently as 3 weeks old and only 1yr when it comes to birthday iyswim.....c
Yeah. It's so confusing, you wean by actual age (from d.o.b) too and not corrected (if your lo is ready) :) xx
What a minefield. Ok thanks!! Might just ignore his birth date then except for his birthday and see whateber happens happens lol x
Lol, yeah, premmies don't seem to meet the milestone by corrected age either, there's no really specific time scale. My lo is now 7m (very nearly 6m corrected) and he rolls front to back but not back to front, he tries to go back to front and is very nearly there but doesn't quite know what to do with his arm lol. Xx
What about with sleeping patterns. Eg is greg slept throigh now at 9 weeks....4 weeks corrected is that ok. As if he was 4 weeks sleeping through I wouldnt think it appropriate......iyswim.......such a minefield lop x
What about with sleeping patterns. Eg is greg slept throigh now at 9 weeks....4 weeks corrected is that ok. As if he was 4 weeks sleeping through I wouldnt think it appropriate......iyswim.......such a minefield lop x

It wouldn't matter as sleeping through isn't a "developmental milestone" iykwim

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Agree with tweetyfoo, I guess your concern is that he is not getting feeds when sleeping through, if he's hungry he'll wake, Jacob was 10w when he started sleeping through 4w+6 corrected. But he was eating loads in the day and gaining weight well. He started waking when he wanted me to start weaning and now he only wakes if he's struggling with his teeth or he's poorly x x
Yeah exactly my concern sproglett!! Ok thats fab......xx tbh we arent quite there yet but he will go 6 hours from sort of 9 til 3 which I spose is sleeping through but its whether we shouldbhave been waking him or not and if and when he does start sleeping through whether we should just let him get on by his ca or aa xx
If he's hungry he will wake, my friend was told to wake her baby for a feed once, she then spent 6hrs trying to calm her down to feed her so she ended up going even longer, Jacobs weight gain etc have followed the line and I don't believe in waking him :) x x
it was only because they us do so in hospital so if he went 5 hours then we woke him.........havent done so since actually maybe once when he was going about 7 houors during the day when we had just got him home but not for a long while thank you!! x

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