Desidial Bleeding../Hormonal Bleeding


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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anyonr had either of these?? Ive been bleeding since tues evening was light but now looks like a period :shock: I had my scan on Wed and they said baby is ok but if it dont grow/heartbeat by next wed I may be in trouble.Thing is that the bleeding started when i would of been due my period if I wasnt pregnant and I have period cramps not many odd ones here and there... Has anyone had the above what was it like? How heavy?

I mean what is classed as spotting? What is classed as light bleeding? What is classed as heavy bleeding?

I know mits not looking good but trying to find anyone in same situation.

Sorry I haven't got any experience or answers for you just wanted to say good luck x I hope everything is ok with baby and it sticks for you x x x
hey hun i had a period type bleeding and my baby turned out fine found heartbeat and eveything they couldn't tell me why i was bleeding but hasn't harmed the baby i shouldn't worry yourself too much best thing to do is think positive but not too long now till your scn good luck :)
so i thougght id update u on whats going on. Has bleeding for 5 days, less than my usual period but bright red. So i have checked today and it seemed to have slowed down and stopped. Its so odd how it started when im usual period was due. I have been suffering with constipation and hadnt realised that since i had the dioreha last sat that i hadnt been properly and wondering if the pressure from that had caused some bleeding who knows. I just hope my scan goes ok on wed. I havent had cramps just some period type aches. Anyne else had this? Ta
good luck for wed lovely!! i have had the same and its such a worry got to wait till friday for my scan mine stopped after 3/4 days and like you no cramping so hope thats a good sign
keep us posted x
I also got bleeding a lot few times since 1st week till now (6 weeks).. bleeding is on and off , also had brown spotting..That make me worried..Coz I had been experienced bleeding wt my 1st 1st pregnancy was miscarriage due to no heartbeat after 3 mths..Then second pregnancy also had brown spotting, bleeding a bit but born healthy son..And now 3rd pregnancy, I don't know whenever its ok or not..What ever that happens, that God's Will..We must trust in God...Just pray that everythings going ok..
I had 7 days of bright red bleeding around the time of my period every month until I was 6 months with my first (he's now 11) it was definitely more than spotting, more like a light period. With my second I had "spotting" which was just odd bits of blood on wiping all the way through, I had a complete placenta previa and had 'heavy" bleeding/haemorrhage from 29 weeks and had him a couple of days later (he's now 9!!) (I was in blood thinners too though) I lost a baby at 20 weeks and had no bleeding whatsoever until I went into prem labour, and have ha a mmc with no bleeding (picked up at scan) Hope everything works out for you and LO, good luck for your scan x
Hello thanks for replying but I wrote this over 2 years ago. Unfortunately I had a
Mc soon after this post but became
Pregnant later on in the year and went on to have a beautiful healthy baby boy x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
Awww congratulations.... look forward 2 years and it all seems very different huh!!!

He's gorgeous!

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