Depression whilst ttc!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
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Hey everyone!

As most of you know we have been ttc for 6 months now for our second child.I have been having hard time off the pill ever since i came off it,with many different things,i went back to see my doctor yesterday and she said i am suffering with depression but it wouldn't be good to give me meds while ttc,as it may not stop me ovulating all together!
What do i do????I really want another baby so i don't want to stop trying,but i am concerned that i won't get pregnant while i am like this,if stress and depression may stop me getting pregnant.What do you ladies think,has anyone been through this and either took meds while ttc or got pregnant with stress/depression?

Thanks xxxxx
I've not been in that situation Louise and maybe i'm underestimating the effect of stress, but my mum has suffered extreme depression and anxiety for most of her adult life and she didn't have any issues conceiving when she wasn't on meds.

I feel that you might be better of risking the depression than risking the meds, but it really depends if you are still able to function or not.
Hi Louise1980, a my father in law gets manic depression and when he's on the medication it does help but I can see it fecks him up too. Hands shake constantly and stuff. Do you feel really shitty? Is it stress or depression? Have you had it before and if so how bad do you get it?

You dont have to answer any of that on here, just consider your answers before deciding (I'm sure you are anyway) because I agree with LouiseB, I think it's unlikely to be a good thing ttc and taking the pills. Which do you need more right now?

Here for you hun if you ever want to PM me xxx
I'm on a low dosage of Sertraline for OCD and was told by my doctors that it should have no effect on concieving at all, although some of the other meds do! You should find put which they are planning on giving you?

Ive been on depression tablets before i was TTC never knew it could effect ovulating advice really but didnt want to read and run...could you not go and see someone for some councilling? it may help xxx
It is your choice at the end of the day, if you are feeling shitty then I would consider going back to your doctor and asking for a mild dose of medication, I am sure it will not do any harm whilst TTC. I know how you are feeling as I have been there myself and sometimes feel like I am going back to it of being depressed to be honest with you. Me personally do not take tablets of any kind for it and just confind in my friends and family for support.

We have been TTC for over 4 years now, so to make you feel better you are not the only one going through this x
Hi Louise

Are you doing any kind of regular (daily) exercise at the mo? Exercise makes the body release Endorphins, which are natures own 'feel good' chemicals.

Exercise also helps get your body in tip-top shape for ttc, so worth a shot..? :)

Hope you feel on-the-up soon Xx
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Hey Bead,i never stop!i have a 2 year old lol,i think my hormones are just mental at the mo being off the pill x
There is an anti-depressant that is fine to take while you are trying to conceive and carry a child maybe go back to your docs and ask him again as there is definately one out there there without going into too much detail but I was on it whilst trying with Jude but it didnt agree with me and I cant for the life of me remember which it was. Im not on them now since then as my depression lifted when I had boy. Good luck hun xxx
Hi ecenu.

TTC is short speak for Trying To Conceive.

There is a link somewhere at the top for all the abreviations, but I never looked at it, a bit of guess work and you'll pick most of it up just fine. Or ask, someone is always bound to know! xxx

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