Depression support thread

:hugs:I hate those days where everything just seems like way tooo much effort.
Can i join the bad days?
I didnt sleep last night had a terrible nose bleed
then i had an appointment at the job centre feel like such a scrounger I just want to go to bed for the next million years please!!

bed for millions of years sounds good :D:D:D xx
Since i've had Ethan i lack motivation big time!!! I'm so glad my OH works till 8pm during the week because when Ethan goes to bed i have a good couple of hours to get the house ship shape - then it doesn't look like i've been doing naff all - i find it so hard with LO though. I get annoyed starting something and not finishing it so i just wait till he's in bed most of the time, don't get me wrong the washings in etc etc but not much else is going on! lol
:hugs:I hate those days where everything just seems like way tooo much effort.
Can i join the bad days?
I didnt sleep last night had a terrible nose bleed
then i had an appointment at the job centre feel like such a scrounger I just want to go to bed for the next million years please!!

bed for millions of years sounds good :D:D:D xx

I went back to bed xD I need the rest !! :D xx
lol and i cant wait for Maisie to get here, Atm feeling as though i have no pupose so whats the point in getting up ? :)
My bleurghh day turned out ok in the end! The kids had an hour and a half sleep and I pulled my head together. When they woke up they both had lunch then we went to the shops to get OH some tea. It bloody pee'd down as soon as I needed to get us all out the car and I had just straightened my hair so I was less than impressed but I shrugged it off and strolled around the shops for over 2 hours lol. Kids were nice and quiet so it was a nice look out. OH is working late tonight and I managed to get the kids fed, bathed and ready for bed all by myself! Just waiting for him to get in now.

Tiny, I say skip the HV and go straight to your GP, means you will get help quicker :hug: xx
hey girls,

im glad you had a good day toon :yay: and :hugs: to all of you who had a bad day... Monkei im so jealous that you went back to bed!

my session was ok... more like a review of last week and planning what we're gonna do next week. next appt is a week on wednesday at 2pm

colins still being off with me *bleugh* but hes just gone out for the evening and both kiddies are in bed already so im about to chill out with Jamie Oliver and Masterchef Australia then im gonna get an early night.
sounds like a good idea terrie, Riley's just fell asleep so think i will be relaxing with some soaps then off to bed :D xxx
Thanks for all your support. Not as bad as I was last night, but not too far from it. I'm sorry I went on for so long. I just had to let some out x
no need to apologise! glad we're here to help xxx
Off topic but OMG terrie, how good is master chef australia! I watched the last series too, it's awesome! Way better than the UK one, mostly because Greg ugly, make out with your spoon Wallace isn't in it lol. Hope you feel like you get somewhere in next weeks session.

I think that all us deppressed folk should set ourselves a challenge every day! Even if it's something as simple as putting some maskara on! What do you think!?
I would like to set myself the challenge of forgetting housework and chores and spending my afternoon tomorrow while Jacob is at nursery giving Lucas my full attention. Have some fun and giggles. Sounds so simple but to me it would be amazing. What do you girls want to achieve tomorrow xx
Omg toon I don't know anybody else who actually watches masterchef Australia lmao!! Woop now I have somebody to natter about it to!

Ok challenge for tomorrow.. I'm gonna put the kids in nursery and have a de-junk and clean the house before my new sofas come on Thursday :yay:
MC austrailia kicks ass!!! I love the master classes! The pizza's were mint the other day and george, well he is just amazing :love:

Lovin your challenge chick, who's next! Xx
I <3 George *blush* I sooo want one of those big mixers.. Just so I can make that pizza dough lmao but they're £350!

Ok I'm in bed with Barrie my electric blanket and I'm about to loose myself in the world of J.R.R Tolkien :eek:)

nighty night xx
Why is it when i am down i just want to go out and spend money on stuff i don't need or particularly want!! xx

I can seriously relate.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

i feel terrible today :(
tried lil man with some baby rice the other day i did it the right way an everything he spat it out an didnt bother it an me mums has got him tonight an hes zonked out like a light after managing to eat mushed up rusk :shock::shock: what am i doing wrong lol??

lastnight he wouldnt settle for nearly an hour he cried for ages none stop he went red in the face looking at us like were scaring him i actually cried cos we didnt know how to help him we had to give him calpol in the end to sooth him i dont think hes teething an he deffo wasnt hungry cos not long fed him. but hey ho he went to me mums an hes sleepin like a proper baby makes me feel like poo :) cos i dont know what shes doing to make him sleep like that where as all we do is end up making him cry although hes grumpy in the day but lastnight OH MY LORD he screamed the place down we never hurt him we just changed his nappy an he belled for england is that normal?? x
I feel depressed cos i cant soothe him when he needs to be soothed like with all that crying its horrible he hasnt got colic cos he wud be crying from morning till night all the time he just comes with a sudden out birst of cryin :( x
massive :hugs: sorry youre having a rough time :( xx

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